The lecture notes below are presented for archival purposes as they appeared at the time that this course was originally offered. The latest version of these notes is available at
NOTE: This page contains all the machine-verifiable examples presented during the lectures, as well as all the homework assignments. Click here to go back to the main page with the course information and schedule.


When many real-world problems are addressed or solved mathematically and computationally, the details of those problems are abstracted away until they can be represented directly as idealized mathematical structures (e.g., numbers, sets, trees, graphs, matrices, and so on). In this course, we will study a collection of such idealized mathematical objects: integers, groups, rings, residues, matrices, polynomials, and several others. We will see how these structures and their properties can be used for implementing random number generators, error correcting codes, defining simple cryptographic protocols, approximating and interpolating numerical functions, and other applications.

In covering the material for this course, we will use the standard language and conventions for discussing these mathematical structures that have been developed by the mathematics community. You will need to become familiar with these conventions in order to find, identify, and use the structures and techniques that have already been developed for solving certain computational problems. At the same time, we will also learn how modern programming languages and programming paradigms can be used to implement these structures and algorithms both accessibly and efficiently.

The development and application of mathematics involves abstraction. A problem can be viewed at multiple levels of abstraction, and in developing mathematics humans have adopted a variety of techniques that allow them to successfully employ abstraction to study natural phenomena and solve problems.

symbolic abstract meaning concrete meaning in
application domain
2+3 5 five objects
{(1,2),(1,3)} acyclic graph file system
{(1,2),(2,3),(3,1)} graph with cycle network

The above illustrates the different levels of abstraction that may exist for a given problem. We employ a language of symbols to denote certain abstract structures, which may correspond to actual structures in the world. A string of symbols corresponds to a particular abstract object. Notice that the actual object being modelled and the abstract structure behave the same way, and that this behavior implies certain rules about how we can manipulate the symbols without changing the object that they name. For example, we can represent the same graph using the two strings of symbols "{(1,2),(2,3),(3,1)}" and "{(1,2),(2,3),(3,1)}", or the same number of objects using "2+3", "3+2", "1+4", and so on.

Informal Motivating Example: Random Number Generation

Let us informally consider the problem of generating a sequence of random positive integers. Random number generators are needed in many situations and applications, including:

Different applications will impose different requirements on what is and is not a sufficiently "random" sequence of number. Suppose we adopt the following method: We can consider another method: Frequent repetition of a sequence may or may not be allowed in our given application. Does the above method produce repeating numbers? How often? For how many initial seeds? How do we choose a good seed? We can measure a physical process or component (a clock, a keyboard), but even under these circumstances we need a way to reason about the range of random values the measurement produces, and the range of random values the application requires. How do we begin to approach and formally characterize these aspects of the problem so that we are certain we are meeting the requirements imposed by the application?

One way to model a random number generation process is to view it is a permutation. In fact, there is more than one way to view the process as a permutation. We could simply count up from 0 to m and apply the same permutation to each 0 ≤ nm in order to produce the nth random number in the sequence. Is there an efficient way (i.e., using no more memory than O(log m)) to compute a random number from each n such that a number never repeats?

In this course we will learn about a variety of mathematical structures and their properties that will allow us to precisely specify the above problem and others like it, to identify what solutions are appropriate for such a problem, and to implement these solutions correctly and, where necessary, efficiently.

Review of Logic with Sets, Relations, and Operators

In this section, we will review several abstract structures and associated properties (and the symbolic language used to represent them) that you should have already encountered in past courses. Simultaneously, we will review one way in which these structures can be implemented and manipulated within the modern programming language Python.

As with most human languages that have developed organically over time, mathematics has a rich and often redundant vocabulary. We introduce many terms in this section that we will use consistently in this course. However, keep in mind that there are often other synonyms within mathematics and computer science for these structures.

Formulas (without quantifiers)

A logical formula or formula is a string of symbols that follow a certain syntax. If the formula is written using a correct syntax, we can ask whether the formula is true or false. The symbols or, and, not, implies, and iff are logical operators.

formula true or false example of one possible
Python representation
true always true True
false always false False
f1 and f2 only true if both f1 and f2 are true True and False
f1 or f2 true if f1 or f2 (or both) are true True or (False and True)
f1 implies f2 if f1 is true, then f2 must be true

or equivalently

f1 is false, or f2 is true
f1 iff f2 f1 and f2 are either both true or both false True == False
¬ f true if f is false not (True or (False and True))

The following table may help with gaining a good intuition for the meaning of the implies operator.

meaning of
left-hand side
meaning of
right-hand side
meaning of
entire formula
true true true if the premise is true and the conclusion
is true, the claim of implication is true;

thus, the whole formula is true
true false false if the premise is true but the conclusion is
false, the conclusion is not implied
by the premise, so the claim of implication
is false; thus, the formula is false
false true true if the conclusion is true on its own, it doesn't matter
that the premise is false, because anything implies
an independently true conclusion; thus, the claim
of implication is true, and so is the
entire formula
false false true if we assume that a false premise is true, then "false"
itself is "true"; in other words, false
implies itself, so the formula is true

Terms: integers and term operators that take integer inputs

A term is a string of symbols that represents some kind of mathematical structure. In our case, terms will initially represent integers or sets of integers. Terms may contain term operators. We can view these as functions that take terms as input and return terms as output. The term operators for terms that represent integers with which we will be working are +, -, ⋅, and mod.

term what it represents example of one possible
Python representation
0 0 0
1 1 1
z1 + z2 the integer sum of z1 and z2 3 + 4
z1 - z2 the integer difference of z1 and z2 (1 + 2) - 4
z1z2 the integer product of z1 and z2 3 * 5
z1 mod z2 the remainder of the integer quotient z1 / z2
z1 - ⌊ z1/z2 ⌋ ⋅ z2
17 % 5
z1z2 product of z2 instances of z1 pow(2,3)

Formulas: relational operators and predicates dealing with integers

A term can only appear in a formula if it is an argument to a predicate. A few common predicates involving integers are represented using relational operators (e.g, ≤, ≥).

formula what it represents example of one possible
Python representation
z1 = z2 true if z1 and z2
have the same meaning;
false otherwise
1 == 2
z1 < z2 true if z1 is less than z2;
false otherwise
4 < 3
z1 > z2 true if z1 is greater than z2;
false otherwise
4 > 3
z1z2 true if z1 is less than or equal to z2;
false otherwise
4 <= 3
z1z2 true if z1 is greater than or equal to z2;
false otherwise
4 >= 3
z1z2 true if z1 is not equal to z2;
false otherwise
4 != 3

We can define our own predicates as well. Notice that one way we can represent these in Python is by defining a function that return a boolean result.

predicate definition example of one possible
Python representation
P(x)     iff     x > 0 and x < 2 def P(x): return x > 0 and x < 2
Q(x)     iff     x > 3 Q = lambda x: x > 3

formula what it represents example of one possible
Python representation
P(1) true P(1)
P(1) or P(2) true P(1) or P(2)
Q(1) and P(1) false Q(1) and Q(1)

In Assignment #1, you will define the following predicates. We will also use them throughout the course.

Definition: For any x,y Z, x | y    iff   y/x Z.

Definition: For any y Z, y is prime    iff    y > 1 and for any integer x > 0, x | y implies x = 1 or x = y.

formula what it represents
x | y y / x Z

x divides y
y is divisible by x
y is an integer multiple of x
y mod x = 0
y is prime y > 1 and
x | y implies x = 1 or x = y

y > 1 and
y is divisibly only by 1 and itself

Terms: finite sets of integers, term operators that take set inputs, and set comprehensions

The following are examples of terms the meaning of which is a finite set of integers (with the exception of the set size terms, the meaning of which is a positive integer).

term what it represents example of one possible
Python representation
a set with no elements in it set([])
{1,2,3} {1,2,3} set([1,2,3])
{2,..,5} {2,3,4,5} set(range(2,6))
{ x | x {1,2,3,4,5,6}, x > 3 } {4,5,6} set([x for x in set([1,2,3,4,5,6]) if x > 3])
|{1,2,3,4}| 4 len(set([1,2,3,4]))

The following are term operators on terms the meaning of which is a finite set of integers.

term what it represents example of one possible
Python representation
S1S2 {z | z Z, z S1 or z S2} {1,2,3}.union({4,5})
S1S2 {z | z Z, z S1 and z S2} {1,2,3}.intersection({2,3,5})
|S| the number of elements in S len({1,2,3})

While these are not finite sets of integers, we introduce the following two set terms in order to reference them throughout the notes.

Definition: Let Z be the set of all integers.

Definition: Let N be the set of all positive integers, including 0.

term what it represents
N {0, 1, 2, ...}
Z {..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...}

Formulas: quantifiers over finite sets of integers

Suppose we define the following two Python functions that take predicates (or, more specifically, functions that represent predicates) as input.

   def forall(X,P): return len(X) == len(set([x for x in X if P(x)]))
   def exists(X,P):
     for x in X:
       if P(x):
         return True
     return False
   def subset(X,Y): return forall(X, lambda x: x in Y)

Then we can introduce the following definitions and corresponding Python examples.

formula what it represents example of one possible
Python representation
1 {1,2,3} true 1 in set([1,2,3])
4 {1,2,3} false 4 in set([1,2,3])
x {1,2,3}, x > 0 and x < 4 true forall(set([1,2,3]), lambda x: x > 0 and x < 4)
x {1,2,3}, x < 1 and x > 3 false exists(set([1,2,3]), lambda x: x < 1 or x > 3)
x ∅, f true
x ∅, f false

Notice that when we quantify over an empty set with a universal quantifier ∀, the formula is always true. When we quantify over an empty set with an existential quantifier, the formula is always false (since no element satisfying any formula could exist). We can see that the Python functions for these quantifiers are consistent with this interpretation.

Exercise: Implement Python functions that correspond to formulas which can be used to define each of the following statements about a set X and a predicate P.

Formulas: predicates dealing with finite sets of integers

The following are examples of formulas that contain relational operators dealing with finite sets of integers.

formula what it represents example of one possible
Python representation
3 {1,2,3} true 3 in set([1,2,3])
{1,2} ⊂ {1,2,3} true subset(set([1,2]), set([1,2,3]))
{4,5} ⊂ {1,2,3} false subset(set([4,5]), set([1,2,3]))

Below are the general forms of formulas containing relational operators dealing with finite sets of integers.

formula what it represents
z S true if z is an element of S; false otherwise
S1S2 z S1, z S2
S1 = S2 S1S2 and S2S1

Terms: set products and binary relations

Definition: The product of two sets X and Y is denoted X × Y and is defined to be the set of ordered pairs (x,y) for every possible combination of x X and y Y.

term what it represents example of one possible
Python representation
{1,2} × {5,6,7} {(1,5),(1,6),(1,7),(2,5),(2,6),(2,7)} set([(x,y) for x in set([1,2]) for y in set([4,5,6,7])])

Definition: A set R is a relation between the sets X and Y if RX × Y.

Formulas: predicates dealing with relations

There are several common properties that relations may possess.

predicate definition graphical example
X × Y is the set product of X and Y X × Y = { (x,y) | x X, y Y }
R is a relation between X and Y RX × Y
R is a function from X to Y
R is a (many-to-one) map from X to Y
R is a relation between X and Y and
x X,
    there is at most one
    y Y s.t. (x,y) R
R -1 is the inverse of R R -1 = { (b,a) | (a,b) R }
R is an injection from X to Y R is a relation between X and Y and
y Y,
    there is at most one
    x X s.t. (x,y) R
R is a surjection from X to Y R is a relation between X and Y and
y Y,
    there is at least one
    x X s.t. (x,y) R
R is a bijection between X and Y R is an injection from X and Y and
R is a surjection from X and Y
R is a permutation on X RX × X and
R is a bijection between X and X
R is a reflexive relation on X RX × X and
x X, (x,x) R
R is a symmetric relation on X RX × X and
x X, ∀ y X, (x,y) R implies (y,x) R
R is a transitive relation on X RX × X and
x X, ∀ y X, ∀ z X,
   (x,y) R and (y,z) R implies (x,z) R
R is an equivalence relation on X
R is a congruence relation on X
RX × X and
R is a reflexive relation on X and
R is a symmetric relation on X and
R is a transitive relation on X
R is an antisymmetric relation on X RX × X and
x X, ∀ y X, (x,y) R and (y,x) R implies x = y
R is a partial order on X RX × X and
R is a reflexive relation on X and
R is an antisymmetric relation on X and
R is a transitive relation on X

Notice that we may have R such that R is a function, but R -1 is not a function.

Exercise: Write a Python function that takes a finite set of integers and builds the relation on that set corresponding to the operator ≤.

def buildLTE(X): return {(x,y) for x in X for y in X if x <= y}

Exercise: Write a Python function that takes a relation R and a set X and determines whether R is a symmetric relation on X.

def symmetric(R,X): return subset(R, product(X,X)) and forall(R, lambda z: (z[1],z[0]) in R)

We introduce several terms that deal with the relationship between the relation and the members and subsets of the two sets that the relation involves.

predicate required conditions
X is the domain of R between X and Y R is a function from X to Y
Y is the codomain of R between X and Y R is a function from X to Y
B is the image of R between X and Y R is a function from X to Y and
B = {y | x X, (x',y) R, x = x'}
B is the image of x under R between X and Y R is a function from X to Y and
B = {y | (x,y) R}
A is the pre-image of y under R between X and Y R is a function from X to Y and
A = {x | (x,y) R}

Exercise: Implement Python functions that correspond to each of the structures above.

def domain(Xcheck,R,X,Y): return function(R,X,Y) and Xcheck == X

def codomain(Ycheck,R,X,Y): return function(R,X,Y) and Ycheck == X

def image(B,R,X,Y): return function(R,X,Y) and B == {y for (x,y) in R if x in X}

def imageElem(B,x,R,X,Y): return function(R,X,Y) and B == {y for (x2,y) in R if x2 == x}

def preimage(A,y,R,X,Y): return function(R,X,Y) and A == {x for (x,y2) in R if y2 == y}

Fact: If R is a function from X to Y and R is an injection from X to Y and R is finite, and if B is the image of R, then |B| = |X| and (because BY and so |B| ≤ |Y|), we have that |Y| ≥ |X|.

Exercise: Determine whether the relation R = {(x,y) | x Z, y Z, x | y} is an equivalence relation (check whether each of the three properties of an equivalence relation are satisfied).

Exercise: Determine whether the relation R = {(x,y) | x Z, y Z, x | y} is a partial order on Z (check whether each of the three properties of a partial order are satisfied).

Assignment #1: Prerequisite Review: Logic, Integers, Sets, and Relations

In this assignment you will define Python functions that represent various constructs. For this assignment, you will submit a single Python source file

Your file may not import any modules or employ any external library functions associated with integers and sets (unless the problem statement explicitly permits this). Solutions to each of the programming problem parts below should fit on one or two lines. You will be graded on the correctness, concision, and mathematical legibility of your code. The different problems and problem parts rely on each other; carefully consider whether you can use functions you define in one part within subsequent parts.

    1. Define a Python function divides() that takes two positive integer arguments and returns True only if the first argument divides the second argument.
    2. Define a Python function prime() that takes a single argument and returns True only if the argument is a prime positive integer. You may use the range(), len(), and divides() functions.
  1. In this problem, you will implement a small algorithm that can generate arbitrarily many prime numbers. This algorithm is very inefficient; its purpose is to serve as a programmatic argument that there are infinitely many distinct prime numbers.
    1. Implement a Python function factors that takes a single positive integer argument and returns the set of factors of that number.
    2. Implement a Python function primeFactors that takes a single positive integer argument and returns the set of prime factors of that number.
    3. Implement a Python function anotherPrime that takes a set of prime numbers and returns a new prime that is distinct from all the others in the list. To accomplish this, compute the product p of all the prime numbers in the set, then return a prime factor that belongs to the set of factors of p+1.
    4. Implement a Python function generatePrimes that takes a single input n and returns a set of n distinct prime numbers. Hint: use recursion and another function you have already implemented.
    1. Define a Python function implies() that takes two arguments and correctly implements the logical operator implies.
  2. To receive credit for each part below, your solutions must employ forall, exists, and/or list comprehensions. Solutions that are more than one or two lines in length will receive no credit.

    1. Define a Python function product(X,Y) that takes two sets as arguments and returns the set product of the sets.

    2. Define a Python function relation(R,X,Y) that takes three arguments and returns True only if the first argument R is a relation between the second and third arguments X and Y.

    3. Define a Python function function(R,X,Y) that takes three arguments and returns True only if the first argument R is a function from X to Y.

    4. Define a Python function injection(R,X,Y) that takes three arguments and returns True only if the first argument R is an injection from X to Y.

    5. Define a Python function surjection(R,X,Y) that takes three arguments and returns True only if the first argument R is a surjection from X to Y.

    6. Define a Python function bijection(R,X,Y) that takes three arguments and returns True only if the first argument R is a bijection from X to Y.

    7. Define a Python function transitive(R,X) that takes two arguments and returns True only if the first argument R is a transitive relation on X.

    8. Define a Python function lte(R) that takes one argument and returns True only if the relation R is a subset of the relation represented by the relational operator <=.

Terms: set quotients and quotient maps

Given an equivalence relation on a set, we can partition that set into a collection of distinct subsets, called equivalence classes, such that all the elements of each subset are equivalent to one another.

Definition: For any set X and equivalence relation R on X, let the quotient set of X with respect to R, denoted X/R, be defined as:
{{y | (x,y) R} | x X}

Exercise: Implement a Python function that takes two inputs (a set X and an equivalence relation R on that set), and outputs the quotient set X/R.

def quotient(X,R): return {frozenset({z for (y,z) in R if y == x}) for x in X}

Below, we evaluate the above function on an example input.

>> quotient({1,2,3,4}, {(1,1),(2,2),(3,3),(2,3),(3,2),(4,4)})
{frozenset({4}), frozenset({2, 3}), frozenset({1})}

Definition: For a set X and a relation R over X, the relation that relates each x X to its equivalence class in X under R is called the quotient map. The function is typically denoted using [ ... ]. That is, [x] is the equivalence class of x under R.

Exercise: Why is the relation {(x,[x]) | x X} necessarily a map? Suppose it is not a map. What would this imply?

Exercise: Implement a Python function that takes two inputs (a set X and an equivalence relation R on that set), and outputs the quotient map taking each element x X to its corresponding equivalence class [x] X/R.

def quotientMap(X,R): return {(x, frozenset({z for (y,z) in R if y == x})) for x in X}

Exercise: Determine whether {(x,y) | x Z, y Z, x + y mod 2 = 0} is an equivalence relation.

Term operators and closure properties

We have names for several common properties that operators may possess for a given set. In the table below, We define them precisely using logical notation.

property definition
S is closed under ⊕ x,y S,
    xy S
⊕ is commutative on S x,y S,
    xy = yx
⊕ is associative on S x,y,z S,
    (xy) ⊕ z = x ⊕ (yz)
⊕ has a left identity 1 in S x S,
    1x = x
⊕ has a right identity 1 in S x S,
    x1 = x
⊕ has an identity 1 in S x S,
    1x = x1 = x
⊗ distributes across ⊕ in S x,y,z S,
    x ⊗ (yz) = (xy) ⊕ (xz)

Modular Arithmetic

Modular arithmetic can be viewed as a variant of integer arithmetic in which we introduce a congruence (or equivalance) relation on the integers and redefine the integer term operators so that they are defined on these congruence (or equivalance) classes.

Terms: congruence classes in Z/mZ and term operators on congruence classes

Definition: For any m Z, define:
{xm | x Z}

Definition: For any m Z, define:
k + mZ
{k + (xm) | x Z}

Exercise: Show that the relation R = {(x,y) | x Z, y Z, x mod 17 = y mod 17} is an equivalence relation.

Definition: For a given m Z, define:
Z/{(x,y) | x Z, y Z, x mod m = y mod m}

Informally and intuitively, we could think of the structure of the above set as a logical consequence of letting all multiples of m be equivalent to 0. That is, if 0 = m = 2m = ..., then 1 = m + 1 = 2m + 1 = ..., and so on.

term what it represents
z mod m
z + mZ
{z + (am) | a Z}
c1 + c2 {(x + y) | x c1, y c2}
c1 - c2 {(x - y) | x c1, y c2}
c1c2 {(xy) | x c1, y c2}
cz c ⋅ ... ⋅ c
c! c ⋅ (c-1) ⋅ (c-2) ⋅ ... ⋅ 1

Fact: For a fixed number m, the relation {(n, {x | x Z, n mod m = x mod m) | n Z} is a quotient map from Z to Z/mZ.

Formulas: relational operators dealing with congruence classes in Z/mZ

formula what it represents
c1c2 true only if c1 = c2 where "=" is set equality
applied to the congruence classes c1 and c2;
false otherwise

Algebra of congruence classes

We use the familiar symbols 0, 1, +, -, and ⋅ to represent operations on congruence classes. When these symbols are used to represent operations on integers, they have certain algebraic properties. Do the operations on congruence classes also share the familiar algebraic properties of the corresponding operations on integers?

Example: Suppose we write the term 3 + 4 ≡ 2 where 2, 3, and 4 are congruence classes in Z/5Z. What is the meaning of this term? First, note the following equivalence.
{ x + y | x Z, y Z} = {z | z Z }
Now, we expand the definitions of congruence classes and the operation + on congruence classes below.
3 + 4
(3 + 5Z) + (4 + 5Z)
{3 + a ⋅ 5 | a Z} + {4 + b ⋅ 5 | b Z}
{(x + y)   |   x {3 + a ⋅ 5 | a Z}, y {4 + b ⋅ 5 | b Z}}
{(3 + a ⋅ 5) + (4 + b ⋅ 5)   |   a Z, b Z}
{(3 + 4) + (a ⋅ 5) + (b ⋅ 5)   |   a Z, b Z}
{2 + 5 + (a ⋅ 5) + (b ⋅ 5)   |   a Z, b Z}
{2 + (1 + a + b) ⋅ 5   |   a Z, b Z}
{2 + c ⋅ 5 | c Z}
2 + 5Z

Fact: The set Z/mZ is closed under the operation represented by +.

Fact: It is the case that Z/mZ = {0,...,m-1} where 0,...,m-1 are congruence classes, and thus, |Z/mZ| = m.

Fact: The addition operation on congruence classes represented by + is commutative.

Suppose that a and b are congruence classes in Z/mZ. We know that a + b and b + a are also congruence classes (they are sets). We want to show that:
a + b
b + a
(a + mZ) + (b + mZ)
(b + mZ) + (a + mZ)
{(x+y) mod m | x (a + mZ), y (b + mZ)}
{(y+x) mod m | y (b + mZ), x (a + mZ)}
Notice that the last line above is set equality. Thus, it is sufficient to show that:
{(x+y) mod m | x (a + mZ), y (b + mZ)}
{(y+x) mod m | y (b + mZ), x (a + mZ)}
{(y+x) mod m | y (b + mZ), x (a + mZ)}
{(x+y) mod m | x (a + mZ), y (b + mZ)}
To show the first relationship, we must show that for every integer in {(x+y) mod m | x (a + mZ), y (b + mZ)}, that integer is also in {(y+x) mod m | y (b + mZ), x (a + mZ)}. Because we know that x + y = y + x when x and y are integers, it must also be that for any x,y Z:
x + y
y + x
(x + y) mod m
(y + x) mod m
Thus, for every (x + y) mod m in the first set, there is a corresponding (y + x) mod m in the second set, so the subset relation holds. The argument also works in the other direction. Thus, the two sets are equivalent, so the congruence holds, and + defined on congruence classes is commutative.

property definition
Z/mZ is closed under + x,y Z/mZ,
    x + y Z/mZ
+ is commutative on Z/mZ x,y Z/mZ,
    x + yy + x
+ is associative on Z/mZ x,y,z Z/mZ,
    (x + y) + zx + (y + z)
+ has a (left and right) identity 0 in Z/mZ x Z/mZ,
    0 + xx and x + 0x
Z/mZ has inverses with respect to + x Z/mZ,
    (m - x) + x ≡ 0
Z/mZ is closed under ⋅ x,y Z/mZ,
    xy Z/mZ
⋅ is commutative on Z/mZ x,y Z/mZ,
+ is associative on Z/mZ x,y,z Z/mZ,
    (xy) ⋅ zx ⋅ (yz)
+ has a (left and right) identity 1 in Z/mZ x Z/mZ,
    1 ⋅ xx and x ⋅ 1 ≡ x
⋅ distributes across + in Z/mZ x,y,z Z/mZ,
    x ⋅ (y + z) ≡ (xy) + (xz)

Fact: For any congruence classes a, b, c Z/mZ, ab implies a + cb + c.

To show this is true, consider any (x + z mod m) (a + c) and any (y + z mod m) (b + c). As in the previous proof, we have that:
x + z
y + x
(x + z) mod m
(y + z) mod m
Thus, the two congruence classes contain the same elements, so they are equivalent.

Fact: For any congruence classes a, b, c Z/mZ, ab implies a - cb - c.

We can adjust the argument above in the following way:
x - z
y - x
(x - z) mod m
(y - z) mod m

We saw that we can add and subtract from both sides of an equation involving congruence classes. Can we also divide both sides by the same factor (or "cancel" that factor) in such an equation? We can do so under certain conditions. In order to show that we can do so, we need a few preliminary facts.

Fact: For any a, m Z, a mod m = 0 iff that m | a.

If a mod m = 0 then:
a - ⌊ a/m ⌋ ⋅ m
a/m ⌋ ⋅ m
a / m
a / m

If m | a then:
a / m
a / m
a/m ⌋ ⋅ m
a - ⌊ a/m ⌋ ⋅ m
a mod m

Fact: For any a, b, c N, if c|a then c|(ab).

Because c|a, it must be that a/c Z. But then we have that:
(ab) / c = (a / c) ⋅ b
Since (a / c) Z and b Z, (a / c) ⋅ b Z and (ab) / c Z. Thus, c|(ab).

Fact (Euclid's lemma): For any a, b, p N, if p is prime and p | (ab), then it must be that p|a or p|b (or both).

Fact: For any congruence classes a, b, c Z/pZ, if c is not divisible by p then acbc implies ab.

We observe that:
(ac) - (bc)
((ac) - (bc)) mod p
((a - b) ⋅ c) mod p
((a - b) ⋅ c)
By Euclid's lemma, the fact that c is not divisible by p requires that a - b must be divisible by p. Thus:
(a - b)
(a - b) mod p
a - b

Fact: For any p N, for any a {1,...,p-1}, if p is prime then the following is a permutation from {1,...,p-1} to Z/pZ - {0} (the non-zero congruence classes in Z/pZ):
{ (1, (1 ⋅ a) mod p), (2, (2 ⋅ a) mod p), ..., (p-1, ((p-1) ⋅ a) mod p) }
{ (i, (ia) mod p) | i {1,...,p-1} }

Recall that R is a permutation if R is a bijection. In order to be a bijection, R must be both an injection and a surjection.

To show that R is an injection, suppose that it is not. We will derive a contradiction from this assumption, which will tell us that the assumption must be false.

If it is not injective, then there exist distinct non-zero i {1,...,p-1} and j {1,...,p-1} where without loss of generality j < i such that:
(ia) mod p
(ja) mod p
((ia) - (ja)) mod p
0 mod p
((i - j) ⋅ a) mod p
0 mod p
(i - j) ⋅ a
But because a < p, p does not divide a, so the above implies that p | (i - j). But this is also impossible because p > i - j > 0. Also, notice that in the above, we could have simply divided both sides of the second line by a because p does not divide a.

Since assuming that distinct i and j can be related to the same element of the relation's codomain leads to a contradiction, it must be impossible. Thus, R is an injection.

Furthermore, R is an injection from {1,...,p-1} to Z/pZ - {0} and we have that:
|Z/pZ - {0}|
Thus, since R maps to at least p-1 distinct elements, and |Z/pZ - {0}| has at most p-1 elements, R must map to every element in Z/pZ - {0}, so it is also a surjection by the Pigeonhole principle.

Since R is both an injection and a surjection from {1,...,p-1} to Z/pZ - {0}, it must be a bijection, and thus a permutation.

Notice that if we extend R by adding (0,0), it is now a permutation from {0,...,p-1} to Z/pZ.

Example: Random Number Generation

Suppose we want to find a way to generate a "random" sequence v of positive integers. Assume we have only one requirement.

Requirement 1: The sequence v has m distinct positive integers between 0 and m-1, where vi is the ith element in the sequence.

In this case, a relation RN × Z/mZ that is a permutation would be sufficient. One such relation is:
0 mod m
(vi-1 + 1) mod m
{(i, vi) | i {0,...,m-1}}
Notice that the second term in (x, x mod m) is in this case the congruence class modulo m that corresponds to x.

The relation R0 is indeed a permutation, but it does not satisfy our intuitive notion of a random sequence, so we impose another requirement.

Requirement 2: The sequence v must not be the trivial sequence (0,...,m-1).

Suppose we propose the following relation:
(vi-1 + 2) mod m
{(i, vi) | i {0,...,m-1}}
Notice that we can redefine R1 above more concisely:
{(i, (0 + 2 ⋅ i) mod m) | i {0,...,m-1}}
Does R1 always satisfy both requirements? Suppose that m is even. Then we have that there exists j {0,...,m-1} such that 2 ⋅ j = m. But this means that 2 ⋅ j ≡ 0, so 2 ⋅ (j+1) ≡ 2 ⋅ j + 2 ⋅ 1 ≡ 2 ⋅ 1 ≡ 2 and so on. This means that R1 is not injective, so the first requirement is not met when m is even.

Suppose we define R2 to be a variant of R1 parameterized by some b {0,...,m-1}:
{(i, (0 + bi) mod m) | i {0,...,m-1}}
What conditions can we impose on b and m so that they satisfy both requirements?

Fact: If m is prime and b {2,...,m-1}, then R2 satisfies both requirements.

We know this is true because in this case, R is a permutation, so it satisfies Requirement 1. Furthermore, element v1 = b, so v is never the trivial sequence. Thus, Requirement 2 is satisfied.

Exercise: What are some drawbacks (or unresolved issues) with building random sequences by choosing a prime m and some b {2,...,m-1}?

Generating and detecting prime numbers

Many applications require the generation of new primes. We saw a simple example above in which generating new random sequences required the generation of new primes. Another important class of applications with this requirement are cryptographic schemes and protocols. In this section, we consider the problem of generating prime numbers.

As you saw in Assignment 1, a straightforward algorithm that is guaranteed to generate new prime numbers is not necessarily efficient. In practice, most algorithms that need to generate large primes simply choose a range of of numbers and filter out non-primes using some efficient algorithm that does not provide an absolute guarantee that the numbers that remain are all prime. As long as it is not too likely that the generated number is not a prime, this may be sufficient.

Example: Suppose we want to generate a d-digit prime number (in decimal representation). The prime number theorem states that for a given N, the number of primes in the range {2,...,N} is about N/(ln(N)). We can roughly estimate the number of primes with d-digit decimal representations using the following formula:
(10d+1-1 / ln(10d+1-1)) - (10d / ln(10d))
For d = 8, this value is about 4,780,406, so we can roughly say that the chances that a chosen 8-digit number is prime are about:
4,780,406/((109 - 1) - 108) ≈ 5.5/100

Suppose we defined the following algorithm for generating a prime with a d-digit representation.

  1. inputs: d N
  2. do
    1. n := a number from {10d, ..., 10d+1-1}
    while n is not prime
  3. return n

Assuming we were choosing numbers "well" with respect to their distribution (we are being imprecise here), we could optimistically hope that for d = 8, the above algorithm would only need to check for primality about 20 times (since roughly 1 out of every 20 numbers it tries should be a prime).

It remains to define an algorithm for checking whether an arbitrary input m N is prime. We could check every number k between 2 and ⌊ √(m) ⌋ to see if it is a factor of m. However, ⌊ √(m) ⌋ still grows exponentially in the representation size of m. For example, for an n-bit input, an integer m in {0,...,2n-1} which must have a representation size of at least n bits, we have the following exponential running time:

If we only consider primes and not any of their multiples (i.e., we apply the Sieve of Eratosthenes to the set {2,...,⌊ √(m) ⌋}), we can decrease the number of times we check the divisibility of m. However, we would need to do a lot of extra work to filter out the multiples of primes. Modern algorithms such as ECPP run in polynomial time, in practice it is currently difficult to implement a version of these algorithms that runs quickly enough for many applications. Thus, we instead modify our algorithm in the following way:

  1. inputs: d N
  2. do
    1. n := a number from {10d, ..., 10d+1-1}
    while n is not probably prime
  3. return n

It remains to define a subroutine for checking whether a number is probably prime (for some appropriate definition of "probably") that is very efficient.

Greatest common divisor and related facts

Definition: For any two x, y Z, we define the greatest common divisor, denoted gcd(x,y), as the greatest integer z Z such that z|x and z|y. Equivalently, we can define it as the maximum of a set:
max{ z | z Z, z|x, z|y}
We can also define it recursively (not that z|0 for all z Z because 0/z Z):
gcd(y, x mod y)

To see why the recursive case works, consider two cases. If x < y, then the two inputs are simply reversed. This ensures that the first input x is eventually larger than the second input y. If xy and they share a greatest common divisor a, then we have for n = ⌊ x/y ⌋ that:
y' ⋅ a
x' ⋅ a
x mod y
x - (ny)
(x' ⋅ a) - (ny)
x' ⋅ a - ((ny') ⋅ a)
(x' - ny') ⋅ a

Notice that (x' - ny') ⋅ a < x' ⋅ a, but that the new smaller value is still a multiple of a, so the greatest common divisor of this value and y is still a.

Fact: For any x Z, y Z, x|y iff gcd(x,y) = x.

Definition: For any x Z, y Z, x and y are relatively prime, relative primes, and coprime iff gcd(x,y) = 1.

Fact (Euclid's lemma generalization): For any a, b, c N, if a | (bc) and a and b are relatively prime, then it must be that a|c.

Fact: For any a N and m N, if gcd(a,m) = 1, then {(i, (ia) mod m) | i {0,...,m-1}} is a permutation.

The above can be proven by noticing that if gcd(a,m) = 1, then a does not divide m and m does not divide a. Notice that in the proof of this statement in which p was prime, the fact that it was prime was not used.

Fact: For any m Z where m ≥ 2, gcd(m,m+1) = 1.

We prove the above by contradiction. Suppose there exists a factor z > 1 of m and m+1. In other words, gcd(m,m+1) > 1. Then we have that:
(zb) - (za)
z ⋅ (b- a)
z ⋅ (b- a)
If z > 1 then 1/zZ, so (b - a) ∉ Z. Since b-a Z, this is a contradiction, so it must be that gcd(m,m+1) = z = 1.

Notice that the prime number generator in Assignment 1 relies on the above fact: for a product p of known prime numbers, it is guaranteed that p+1 shares no factors with p, so any prime factors it has must be new.

Testing whether a number is probably prime

In this section, we consider the problem of defining a very efficient algorithm to check whether a positive integer m N is prime. In fact, the algorithm we consider will be detectors of some, but not all, composite numbers.

Fact: For any n N, n is composite iff n > 1 and it is not the case that n is prime.

That is, the algorithms we consider recognize prime numbers but with false positives. They only guarantee that there are no false negatives (i.e., if the algorithm outputs that its input is composite, then it is indeed composite; otherwise, the number may or may not be prime and we call it probably prime because we were not able to detect that it is composite). First, consider how an algorithm for checking primality that never has a "false" output behaves:

algorithm input algorithm output meaning comment
actually a composite number
(this is not known at time of input)
composite the input is composite true negative
actually a prime number
(this is not known at time of input)
prime the input is prime true positive

Compare the above table to the following table describing three possible conditions (and one forbidden condition) for an algorithm that detects probably primes.

algorithm input algorithm output meaning comment
actually a composite number
(this is not known at time of input)
composite the input is definitely composite true negative
actually a composite number
(this is not known at time of input)
probably prime the input is either composite or prime false positive
actually a prime number
(this is not known at time of input)
probably prime the input is either composite or prime true positive
actually a prime number
(this is not known at time of input)
composite impossible false negative
(we will not consider such algorithms)

We now define our first algorithm for testing whether a number is probably prime.

  1. inputs: m N, k N
  2. repeat k times:
    1. a := a number from {2,...,m-1}
    2. if gcd(a,m) ≠ 1 then return composite
  3. return probably prime

The above algorithm is somewhat problematic if we want to have a good idea of how to set k given our desired level of confidence in the output. For example, how high should k be so that the probability that we detect a composite is more than 1/2?

If we require that k ≈ √(m) to be sufficiently confident in the output, we might as well use the brute force method of checking every a {2,..., ⌊ √(m) ⌋}.

To define a more predictable testing approach for our algorithm, we derive a theorem that is frequently used in applications of modular arithmetic (in fact, this fact underlies the prime number generators found in many software applications).

Fact (Fermat's little theorem): For any p N, for any a {0,...,p-1}, if p is prime then it is true that:
1 (mod p)

We have already shown that if p is a prime then R defined as below is a permutation:
{ (1, (1 ⋅ a) mod p), (2, (2 ⋅ a) mod p), ..., (p-1, ((p-1) ⋅ a) mod p) }
{ (i, (ia) mod p) | i {1,...,p-1} }

Next, to make our notation more concise, note that:
1 ⋅ 2 ⋅ ... ⋅ p-1
(p - 1)!
(1 ⋅ a) ⋅ (2 ⋅ a) ⋅ ... ⋅ ((p-1) ⋅ a)
ap-1 (p - 1)!

Recall that p is prime, so p does not divide (p - 1)!. Thus, we can divide by (p - 1)! both sides of the following equation:
ap-1 (p - 1)!
1 ⋅ (p - 1)!
We now have derived the statement of the theorem.

Fact: A number p N is prime iff p > 1 and for all a {1,...,p-1}, ap-1 mod p = 1.

If we negate the statement above, we can define when a number is composite (i.e., when it is not prime) in a way that suggests a straightforward algorithm.

Definition: A number m N is composite iff m > 1 and there exists a {1,...,m-1} such that am-1 mod m ≠ 1. In this case, a is a Fermat witness to the compositeness of m.

Definition: If for composite m N and a {1,...,m-1}, we have that am-1 mod m = 1, then a is a Fermat liar and m is a pseudoprime with respect to a.

Fact: We now extend our algorithm. The following algorithm can be used to test whether a number is probably prime.

Algorithm (Fermat primality test):

  1. inputs: m N, k N
  2. repeat k times:
    1. a := a number from {2,...,m-1}
    2. if gcd(a,m) ≠ 1 then return composite
    3. else if am-1 mod m ≠ 1 then return composite
  3. return probably prime

If m is a prime, the above algorithm will always return probably prime.

For any given candidate a in the above algorithm, if the first test fails and gcd(a,m) ≠ 1 then a is a factor of m. Thus, in the worst case, the first is gcd(a,m) = 1 for all k instances of a that we consider. How many of these k instances must pass the second test before we are confident that m is prime? In fact, for most composite numbers m, k can be very low.

Fact: If for a composite m Z there is at least one Fermat witness a {2,...,m-1} such that gcd(a,m) = 1, then at least half of all a such that gcd(a,m) = 1 are Fermat witnesses.

Suppose that a is a Fermat witness and a1,...,an are distinct Fermat liars. Then for every Fermat liar we have that:

But a is a Fermat witness, so an-1 mod m ≠ 1. Thus, (aai)n-1 mod m ≠ 1, so aai is also Fermat witness. Since there is a witness for every liar, there are at least as many witness as liars, so at least half the values are witnesses.

How many numbers m have at least one Fermat witness? Equivalently, how many numbers have no Fermat witnesses?

Definition: For any m Z, if m has no coprime Fermat witnesses, then m is a Carmichael number, also known as a Fermat pseudoprime.

The distribuation of Carmichael numbers is high enough that the Fermat primality test is usually not used in favor of slightly more complex tests for probable primes. However, those tests follow a similar principle. The Fermat primality test is used in some deployed software applications (such as PGP).

for the chosen
a we have...
what it means probability of this occurring
if m is a non-Carmichael composite
gcd(a,m) ≠ 1 m and a have a non-trivial factor,
so m is composite
(# integers in {2,...,m-1} that share factors with m) / (m-2)
am-1 mod m ≠ 1 a is a Fermat witness
that m is composite
at least 1/2

Assignment #2: Modular Arithmetic, Random Sequences, and Primes

For this assignment, you will submit a single Python source file

Your file may not import any modules or employ any external library functions associated with integers and sets (unless the problem statement explicitly permits this). You will be graded on the correctness, concision, and mathematical legibility of your code. The different problems and problem parts rely on each other; carefully consider whether you can use functions you define in one part within subsequent parts.

  1. To receive credit for each part below, your solutions must employ forall, exists, and/or list comprehensions. Solutions that are more than 2-5 lines in length will receive no credit.

    1. Define a Python function commutative(op,S) that takes two arguments and returns True only if the first argument op, an operator that takes two arguments, is commutative on the finite set S.
      def commutative(op,S) :
        return forall(S, lambda x: forall(S, lambda y: op(x,y) == op(y,x)))
    2. Define a Python function associative(op,S) that takes two arguments and returns True only if the first argument op, an operator that takes two arguments, is associative on the finite set S.
      def associative(op,S) :
          forall(S, lambda x: forall(S, lambda y: forall(S, lambda z:\
            op(op(x,y),z) == op(x,op(y,z)))))
    3. Define a Python function identity(op,S) that takes two arguments and returns True only if the first argument op (which is itself a function that takes two arguments) has an identity element in S. Note that the identity must be both a left and right identity.
      # It is important to have the right order for the quantifiers.
      # There must exist at least one identity element that behaves
      # like the identity for /all/ the elements of S:
      #   exists i in S s.t. for all x in S, op(x,i) == op(i,x) == x
      # Notice that this is different from a statement such as the one
      # below:
      #   for all x in S, exists i in S s.t. op(x,i) == op(i,x) == x # Incorrect.
      def identity(op,S) :
        return exists(S, lambda i: forall(S, lambda x: op(x,i) == op(i,x) == x))
    4. Define a Python function inverses(op,S) that takes two arguments and returns True only if for every element in S, there is an inverse element with respect to op. Note that this is only possible if there is an identity with respect to op. You may want to write a few helper functions in order to avoid deeply-nested quantifiers.
      # The following is the correct formula:
      #   there exists i in S s.t.
      #       i is an identity for S
      #     and
      #       for all x in S, exists y in S s.t. op(x,y) == i
      # However, equivalents of the following will also be
      # accepted:
      #   for all x in S, exists y in S s.t.
      #     op(x,y) == i and i is an identity for S
      # For either of the above, "i is an identity for S" should
      # be a formula equivalent to:
      #   for all x in S, op(x,i) == op(i,x) == x
      # Since we did not explicitly specify whether the identity
      # must be left- or right-, "op(x,i) == x" or "x == op(x,i)"
      # alone would be sufficient.
      def inverses(op,S) :
          exists(S, lambda i:\
              #i is an identity
              forall(S, lambda x: op(i,x) == op(x,i) == x)\
              forall(S, lambda x: exists(S, lambda y: op(x,y) == i)))
    1. Define a Python function randFromPrime() that takes a single input p, a prime number, and generates a set of p distinct lists, each of length p, and each being a "random" reording of the list [ i for i in range(0,p) ].
      • Each list must contain p distinct integers from the set { i for i in range(0,p) }.
      • No individual list should be an ascending or descending sequence of the integers from { i for i in range(0,p) }.
    2. Define a Python function rand() that takes a single input n (which might not be prime) and generates a set of n distinct lists, each of length n, and each being a "random" reording of the list [ i for i in range(0,n) ].
      • Each list must contain n distinct integers from the set { i for i in range(0,n) }.
      • No individual list should be an ascending or descending sequence of the integers from { i for i in range(0,n) }.
      You may find the following points useful:
      • Implement the gcd function.
      • Recall the fact that if gcd(a,m) = 1, then {(i, (ia) mod m) | i {0,...,m-1}} is a permutation. Implement an algorithm that finds a suitable a quickly for a given m (think about how you can use the gcd function to accomplish this).
      • Python provides a built-in function floor(). To use it, add from math import floor to the top of your file.
    3. Extra credit: Define a Python function randExtra() that takes a single input n (which might not be prime) and generates a set of n*n distinct lists, each of length n, and each being a "random" reording of the list [ i for i in range(0,n) ].
      • Each list must contain n distinct integers from the set { i for i in range(0,n) }.
      • No individual list should be an ascending or descending sequence of the integers from { i for i in range(0,n) }.
    1. Define a Python function randByIndex() that takes two inputs n and i. It should return the ith element in a "random" sequence of length n that contains every number in the set { k for k in range(0,n) }. You should not generate the whole list of length n in memory.
    1. Define a Python function generatePrime() that takes a single input d and generates a d-digit (in base 10) probable prime. Your algorithm should be efficient enough to fairly quickly generate a 1000-digit probable prime, and should not run out of memory (although it may take quite some time) when generating a 10000-digit probable prime.
      • Make use of your solution from Problem #3 above.
      • Define a separate helper function probablePrime() that checks if its input is a probable prime.
      • Python provides a built-in function pow(a,b,m) that efficiently computes ab mod m.
      • For the purposes of this assignment, you need not handle Carmichael numbers in any special way that avoids the high likelihood that they are categorized as probably prime. Thus, you may use the Fermat primality test.

Chinese remainder theorem and applications

Theorem (Chinese remainder theorem): Given primes p1,...,pk N, for any a1,...,ak Z there exists a solution x Z to the system of equations:
x mod p1
x mod pk
We can also state the theorem in terms of congruences. Given primes p1,...,pk N, for any a1 Z/p1Z, ..., ak Z/pkZ there exists a unique solution x Z/(p1 ⋅ ... ⋅ pk)Z to the system of equations:
a1 (mod p1)
ak (mod pk)
In other words, all the solutions to the first system above are from the same congruence class of Z/(p1 ⋅ ... ⋅ pk)Z. The theorem applies even if p1,...,pk are only relatively prime.

Example: Suppose we want to perform a large number of arithmetic operations in sequence (e.g., 22048 operations). However, we know that the final result of the computation will be less than 2256. Since there are 22048 operations, half of these may be addition by 1, and half may be subtraction by 1. In that case, the maximum value at any given moment will be 22047. How many bits of working memory do we need to perform all the operations in sequence to obtain the final result?

Choose p1,...,p32 such that for all i {1,...,32}, 28 < pi < 216. Notice that
p1 ⋅ ... ⋅ p32
28 ⋅ ... ⋅ 28
28 ⋅ 32
However, since pi < 216 for all i, we only need 32 ⋅ 216 = 221 bits to represent any single point in the computation. Once we obtain the results a1,...,a32, we can apply the Chinese remainder theorem to obtain x. Since the product of the primes is greater than 2256, the value x will be the result of the computation.

Example (variant of range ambiguity resolution): Suppose we want to build a radar or other sensing device that sends signals out and listens for reflections of those signals in order to detect the distances of obstacles in the environment. The device has a clock that counts up from 0, one integer per second. If the device sends a single signal out that travels at 1 km per second at time 0 and receives a response in 12 seconds at time 12, it knows that the distance to the object and back is 12 km.

However, what if we cannot wait 12 seconds or more? For example, the obstacle may be moving quickly and we want to constantly update our best guess of the distance to that object. We would need to send signals more frequently (for example, every 5 seconds). But then if an object is 12 seconds away, we would have no way to tell when running in a steady state which of the signals we just received.

However, we can obtain some information in this scenario. Suppose we send a signal every 5 seconds, only when the clock's timer is at a multiple of 5. Equivalently, imagine the clock counts up modulo 5 (i.e., 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,...) and we only send signals when the clock is at 0. What information can we learn about the object's distance in this scenario? If the distance to the object and back is d, then we would learn d mod 5, because we would get the signal back when the clock is at 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4.

We can use multiple instances of the above device (each device using its own distinct frequency for sending signals) to build a device that can check for obstacles more frequently while not giving up too much accuracy. Pick a collection of primes p1,..., pn such that their product is greater than the distance to any possible obstacle (e.g., if this is a ship or plane, we could derive this by considering the line of sight and the Earth's curvature). Take n instances of the above devices, each with their own clock that counts in cycles through Z/piZ and sends out a signal when the clock is at 0. Running in a steady state, if at any point in time the known offsets are a1,...,an, we would know the following about the distance d to an obstacle:
a1 (mod p1)
an (mod pn)
We can then use the Chinese remainder theorem to derive the actual distance d < p1 ⋅ ... ⋅ pn.

Example (Shamir secret sharing): Suppose there are N participants and we want to divide some secret information among them into N parts so that any k or greater number of participants can reconstruct the secret information, but no subset of fewer than k participants can reconstruct it. Let s Z be the secret information.

Collect a set of randomly chosen relatively prime integers M = {m1,...,mN} such that:

Give each participant i {1,...,N} the value s mod mi. Now, any number of participants nk can use the Chinese remainder theorem to solve for s.

Note: There are many alternative ways to implement Shamir secret sharing. Consider the following example using curve-fitting. We choose some large m Z, and then randomly select integers c1,...,ck Z/mZ. We then use these integers as coefficients in a polynomial:
s + c1 x + c2 x2 + ... + ck xk
Each participant i {1,...,N} is given f(i). Any k participants can now use curve-fitting techniques or techniques for solving collections of equations (e.g., computing the reduced row echelon form of a matrix) to determine all the coefficients of f and, thus, solve for s.

Fact (Bézout's identity): For any two integers x Z, y Z where x ≠ 0 or y ≠ 0, let z = gcd(x,y). Then there exist a Z and b Z such that:
ax + by

Fact: For any two integers x Z, y Z where x ≠ 0 or y ≠ 0, and gcd(x,y) = 1, there exist a Z and b Z such that:
ax + by
This fact is a special case of Bézout's identity (i.e., the case in which gcd(x,y) = 1).

Fact: The collection of equations considered in the Chinese remainder theorem can be solved constructively (i.e., in a way that provides a concrete solution and not just a proof that a solution exists) by applying an extended version of the greatest common divisor algorithm. We provide the definition of the algorithm below.

  1. extended Euclidean algorithm: x Z, y Z
    1. if y = 0
      1. (s,t) := (1, 0)
      2. return (s,t)
    2. otherwise
      1. (s,t) := extended Euclidean algorithm(y, x mod y)
      2. return (t, s - (⌊ x/y ⌋ ⋅ t) )

Given two inputs x Z, y Z, the extended Euclidean algorithm returns two integres u, v such that
ux + vy

Fact: For two coprime m Z and n Z and any a Z and b Z, suppose we have the following system:
a (mod m)
b (mod n)
Since gcd(m,n) = 1, we can use the extended Euclidean algorithm to find u and v Z such that:
um + vn
Then the solutions to the system are in the congruence class:
(um) ⋅ b + (vn) ⋅ a (mod (mn))

We can check that the above is indeed a solution to xa (mod m). Consider the following:
um + vn
1 - um
1 (mod m)
Furthermore, we have that:
((um) ⋅ b) mod m
Then, we can conclude:
((um) ⋅ b + (vn) ⋅ a) mod m
0 + ((vn) ⋅ a) mod m
0 + (1 ⋅ a) mod m
a mod m
Using a similar argument, we can show that the solution is also equivalent to b (mod m).

Example: Suppose we want to solve the following system:
23 (mod 100)
31 (mod 49)

We use the extended Euclidean algorithm to find that:
(-24) ⋅ 100 + 49 ⋅ 49
Then the solutions to the system are in the congruence class:
(-24 ⋅ 100) ⋅ 31 + (49 ⋅ 49) ⋅ 23 (mod (100 ⋅ 49))
-19177 mod 4900

Fact: Suppose we are given a collection of equations of the following form such that m1,...,mk are all pairwise coprime.

a1 (mod m1)
ak (mod mk)

Let C be the set of these equations, where Ci is the ith equation. The following algorithm can be used to find a solution for this system of equations.

  1. solve system of equations: C is a set of constraints xai mod mi
    1. while |C| > 1
      1. remove two equations Ci and Cj from C and solve them to obtain a new equation xc (mod mimj)
      2. add the new equation to C
    2. return the one equation left in C

Euler's totient function, multiplicative inverses in Z/mZ, and applications

Fact: For any m N, every element in the set Z/mZ has an inverse with respect to addition defined over Z/mZ (i.e., an additive inverse). Consider any x Z/mZ. Then p - x Z/mZ and
x + (p - x)
p (mod p)
We denote by -x the additive inverse of x.

Example: What is the additive inverse of 2 Z/5Z?

The additive inverse is 5-2 = 3, since 2 + 3 mod 5 = 0.

Fact: For any m N, an x Z/mZ has an inverse with respect to multiplication defined over Z/mZ (i.e., a multiplicative inverse) iff gcd(x,m) = 1. If a multiplicatice inverse a Z/mZ of x exists, then:
1 (mod m)
We usually denote the multiplicative inverse of x using the notation x -1.

Definition: For any input m N, define Euler's totient function φ by:
|{k | k {1,...,m}, gcd(k,m) = 1}|

Example: Compute φ(15).

|{k | k {1,...,15}, gcd(k,15) = 1}|

Example: Suppose p N is a prime number. What is φ(p)?

|{k | k {1,...,p}, gcd(k,p) = 1}|

Example: What is φ(15)?
|{k | k {1,...,15}, gcd(k,15) = 1}|
15 - |{k | k {1,...,15}, gcd(k,15) ≠ 1}|
15 - |{3,6,9,12,15} ∪ {5,10,15}|
15 - |{3,6,9,12}| - |{5,10}| - |{15}|
15 - (5-1) - (3-1) - 1
15 - 5 - 3 + 1 + 1 - 1
15 - 5 - 3 + 1
(3 ⋅ 5) - 5 - 3 + 1
(3-1) ⋅ (5-1)

Fact: For any x N and y N, if gcd(x,y) = 1 then:
φ(x) ⋅ φ(y)

Example: Suppose p N and q N are prime numbers. What is φ(pq)?

φ(p) ⋅ φ(q)
(p-1) ⋅ (q-1)

Fact: For any prime p N, we have that:
pk - pk-1

Fact: For any a N and m N, if am-1 mod m = 1 then:
am-1 mod m
1 + km
gcd(1 + km, km)
gcd(am-1, km)
gcd(a, km)
gcd(a, m)
Thus, a and m are coprime.

Example: Suppose m N is a Carmichael number. At most how many Fermat liars does m have?

Fact: We can use φ to provide a formula for the probability that the Fermat primality test will detect that a Carmichael number m N is actually composite. It is approximately:
(m - φ(m)) / m
To be more precise (since we do not check 0 or 1 in our actual implementation), it is:
((m - 3) - φ(m)) / (m - 3)

Unfortunately, Euler's totient function does not in general have a better upper bound than f(m) = m.

Example: How many elements of Z/mZ have a multiplicative inverse in Z/mZ?

Since an x Z/mZ has an inverse iff gcd(x,m) = 1. Thus, the set of such x is exactly the set {x | x {1,...,m}, gcd(k,m) = 1}. But this is the definition of φ(m). Thus, there are φ(m) elements in Z/mZ that have a multiplicative inverse.

Fact (Euler's theorem): For any m N and a Z/mZ, if gcd(m,a) = 1 then we have that:
aφ(m) mod m

Notice that if m is a prime number, then φ(m) = m-1. Then for any a Z/mZ, gcd(a,m) = 1 and am-1 mod m = 1. This is exactly the statement of Fermat's little theorem. Thus, Euler's theorem is a generalization of Fermat's little theorem.

Fact: For any m N and a Z/mZ, if gcd(m,a) = 1 then for any i Z/φ(m)Z such that i ≡ 0 we have that
ai mod m
This is because:
0 (mod φ(m))
k ⋅ φ(m)
aφ(m) ⋅ k mod m
(aφ(m))k mod m
1k mod m
1 mod m

We saw above that there is a simple closed formula for computing an additive inverse of an element a Z/mZ: m-a. In Q (the set of rational numbers), computing the multiplicative inverse a -1 is straightforward: the inverse of an integer a Q is 1/a. Is there a way to compute a -1 Z/mZ if it exists?

Fact: For any m N and a Z/mZ where gcd(m,a) = 1, we can use the extended Euclidean algorithm to find the inverse of a. Given an input a and m, the algorithm returns s and t such that:
sa + tm
sa - (-t) ⋅ m
1 + ((-t) ⋅ m)
(sa) mod m
Thus, s mod m is the multiplicative inverse of a in Z/mZ.

Fact: For any m N and a Z/mZ where gcd(m,a) = 1, we can use the Euler's theorem to find the inverse of a. Notice that:
aφ(m) mod m
(aφ(m)-1a) mod m
Thus, aφ(m)-1 mod m is the multiplicative inverse of a in Z/mZ.

Example: Find the multiplicative inverse of 52 mod 7 in Z/7Z.

It is sufficient to notice that 56 ≡ 1 (mod 7), so 52 ⋅ 54 ≡ 1, so 54 is the inverse of 52 in Z/7Z.

Example: Does 11 have an inverse in Z/22Z (i.e., is it true that 11 (Z/22Z)*)?

Definition: For m N, We define (Z/mZ)* to be the following subset of Z/mZ:
{ a | a Z/mZ, a has an inverse in Z/mZ }

Example: Compute |(Z/35Z)*|.

|{ a | a Z/35Z, a has an inverse in Z/35Z }|
|{ a | a Z/35Z, gcd(a,35) = 1 }|
|{ a | a Z/35Z, gcd(a,35) = 1 }|
φ(5 ⋅ 7)
φ(5) ⋅ φ(7)
4 ⋅ 6

Fact: For any m N, (Z/mZ)* is closed under multiplication modulo m. That is, for any a Z/mZ and b Z/mZ, if there exist a -1 Z and b -1 Z then (ab) has an inverse (a -1b -1). We can use the commutativity of multiplication to show this:
(ab) ⋅ (a -1b -1)
(aa -1) ⋅ (bb -1)
1 ⋅ 1

Example (RSA protocol): We introduce the RSA public-key cryptographic protocol. This protocol is useful in many scenarios, such as the following: This protocol can also be used to prove the identity of the receiver.

The above encryption-decryption process works because for some k Z:

1 (mod φ(n))
1 + φ(n) ⋅ k
(me)d mod n
(m1 + φ(n) ⋅ k) mod n
(m ⋅ (mφ(n) ⋅ k)) mod n
(m ⋅ (mφ(n) ⋅ k)) mod n
(mmφ(n)) mod n
(m ⋅ 1) mod n
m mod n

Besides the message m, there are three pieces of secret information that an eavesdropper cannot know in order for the encryption to provide any privacy:

Notice that if an eavesdropper knows p and q where n = pq, the eavesdropper can easily compute φ(n) (which was supposed to be private). If the eavesdropper can compute φ(n), then they can use the extended Euclidean algorithm to compute the inverse d = e -1 of the public key value e. They can then use d to decrypt messages.

Suppose the eavesdropper only knows φ(n). Then the eavesdropper can compute d and decrypt any message. Can the eavesdropper also recover p and q?

Fact: Suppose that n = pq for two primes p N and q N. Given only n and φ(n), it is possible to compute p and q. Consider the following:
pq - p - q + 1
n - p - q + 1
φ(n) - n
p - q + 1
φ(n) - n - 1
p - q
Thus, it is sufficient to solve the following system of equations for p and q:
φ(n) - n - 1
p - q

Example: Suppose that n = 15 and φ(n) = 8. Factor n.

Assignment #3: CRT, Totient Function, Inverses, and Applications

For this assignment, you will submit a single Python source file

Your file may not import any modules or employ any external library functions associated with integers and sets (unless the problem statement explicitly permits this). You will be graded on the correctness, concision, and mathematical legibility of your code. The different problems and problem parts rely on each other; carefully consider whether you can use functions you define in one part within subsequent parts.

    1. Define a Python function egcd() that takes two integer inputs x and y and returns a tuple of two integers (s,t) that satisfies the following property:
      • s * x + t * y == gcd(x,y)
    2. Define a Python function inverse() that takes two integer inputs x and m and returns the multiplicative inverse of x in Z/mZ if it exists, or returns None if it does not.
    1. Define a Python function CRT2() that takes two inputs, each of which is a pair of integers. Each of the two pairs of integers, call them (a,m) and (b,n), represents one of the equations in the system of equations below:
      a (mod m)
      b (mod n)
      You should assume m and n are coprime. The function should return a single integer x Z/(mn)Z that is the solution to the two equations above.
    2. Define a Python function CRTN() that takes one input, which is a list of pairs, each of which is of the form (a,m). Each of the pairs in the list represents a distinct equation in the system of equations below:
      a1 (mod m1)
      ak (mod mk)
      You should assume that for every i, j {1,...,k} where ij, mi and mj are coprime. The function should return a single integer x Z/(m1 ⋅ ... ⋅ mk)Z that is the solution to the system of equations above.
    1. Define a very efficient Python function pow2ModPrime() that takes four integer inputs x, y, z, and p. This function always assumes that p is prime (it need not return a correct output if p is not prime, and it should not check whether p is prime). The function should return the result of the computation:
      xyz mod p
      Your implementation may employ the built-in Python function pow(), which takes three inputs a, b, and m and returns ab mod m. However, your function must be able to handle very large inputs. For example:
         pow2ModPrime(3,3,1000000000000000000000,84199) # Should return 42526 quickly.
         pow(3,pow(3,1000000000000000000000),84199)     # Should be much slower than the above.
      Hint: consider the way Euler's theorem and the totient function φ are used in the RSA cryptographic protocol.
    2. Define a very efficient Python function diffPows() that takes three inputs: two integer inputs x and y and a list of distinct primes ps. Let P be the product of the primes in ps. The function should return an output equivalent to:
      (33x - 22y) mod P
      Your function must be able to handle very large inputs. For example:
         primes =[\
         # The code below should take at most a second or two to evaluate.
         diffPows(100000000000000000000, 100000000000000000000, primes)
         # The output of the above should be:
  1. In this problem you will implement the three component algorithms of the RSA cryptographic protocol described in lecture.
    1. Define a Python function generate() that takes a single integer input k and returns a tuple (n,e,d) corresponding to the public values n and e and private key d in the RSA cryptographic protocol. The output n must be the product of two distinct, randomly chosen k-digit primes.
      • You may import and use the Python random number generator (from random import random or from random import randint).
      • Your algorithm does not need to be efficient, but it should always be correct.
    2. Define a Python function encrypt() that takes two inputs: an integer m and a tuple (n,e). It should return a single integer: the ciphertext c.
    3. Define a Python function decrypt() that takes two inputs: an integer c representing the ciphertext and a pair of integers (n,d) representing the private key. It should decrypt c and return the original message m.

Complexity of Modular Arithmetic Algorithms

Complexity of (probably) intractable problems

Below, we review a small set of definitions and facts from complexity theory. We will only use these facts as they relate to problems in modular arithmetic and abstract algebra. A course on computational complexity theory would go into more detail.

Informally, for some formula F, we call a statement of the following form a problem:

In the above, X can be viewed as the input describing the problem, and Y can be viewed as the solution to the problem.

The complexity of a problem refers to the running time of the most efficient algorithm that solves the problem.

Definition: A problem can be solved in polynomial time (it is in P) iff there exists for some constant c an algorithm that solves all instances of the problem in time O(nc).

Definition: A problem can be solved in exponential time iff there exists an algorithm that solves all instances of the problem in time O(2n).

Definition: There exists a polynomial-time reduction from a problem X to a problem Y iff there exists a polynomial-time algorithm that can convert any instance of problem X into an instance of problem Y.

Conjecture (factoring): The following problem is not in P: given any integer n N where n = pq and p and q are prime, find p and q.

Conjecture (computing φ): The following problem is not in P: given any integer n N where n = pq and p and q are prime, find φ(n).

If we can compute φ(n), then we can compute p and q. If computing φ(n) were any easier than factoring n (e.g., if we had a polynomial-time algorithm for computing φ(n)), then our claim about the hardness of factoring n would be a contradiction. In other words, factoring n can be reduced to solving φ(n).

The above fact (i.e., that if factoring n is not in P, then neither is computing φ(n)) holds for arbitrary n, not just a product of two primes. However, the proofs in those cases are more sophisticated [Shoup].

Conjecture (RSA problem): The following problem is not in P: given n = pq for two primes p and q in N, e Z/φ(n)Z, and me mod n for an unknown m Z/nZ, compute m.

Notice that the RSA problem is analogous to computing the eth root of me:

Note that this can be accomplished by first finding φ(n) and then computing the inverse of e, but this is as difficult as factoring n, and we assume that is not in P. Is there another way to compute m? We do not know, but we assume that there is no other faster (i.e., polynomial-time) way to do so.

Conjecture (discrete logarithm assumption): The following problem is not in P: given n in N, m {1,...,n-1}, and me mod n for an unknown e N, compute e.

Notice that this is analogous to computing the logarithm of a value with respect to a known base m:
logm (me)

Fact: Given some n N and some y Z/nZ, we say that y is a quadratic residue in Z/nZ if there exists x Z/nZ such that x2y.

Fact: Given some n N and some y Z/nZ, if y is a quadratic residue in Z/nZ then there exist at least two a,b Z/nZ such that ab, a2y, and b2y.

Note that this is analogous to square roots in Z (since √(z) Z and -√(z) Z are both square roots of z Z if they exist).

We can prove this fact in the following way: suppose that y is a quadratic residue. Then there exists at least one x Z/nZ such that:
x2 mod n
But this means that (n-x) Z/nZ is such that:
((n-x)2) mod n
(n2 - (2 ⋅ nx) + x2) mod n
x2 mod n
y mod n
Thus, x and (n-x) are both roots of y.

Example: It is the case that 4 Z/5Z is a quadratic residue in Z/5Z, with two roots 2 and 3:
22 mod 5
32 mod 5
9 mod 5

In fact, there may exist more than two roots of a value in Z/nZ.

Example: It is the case that 1,-1,6,-6 Z/35Z are all square roots of 1 Z/35Z:
12 mod 35
(-1)2 mod 35
342 mod 35
1156 mod 35
((33 ⋅ 35)+1) mod 35
1 mod 35
62 mod 35
36 mod 35
1 mod 35
(-6)2 mod 35
292 mod 35
841 mod 35
((24 ⋅ 35)+1) mod 35
1 mod 35

Let us consider the problem of finding all of the square roots of a member of Z/nZ. Notice that this problem is analogous to computing all the square roots of y in Z/nZ:
± x
This problem is believed to be computationally difficult.

Conjecture (finding congruent squares): The following problem is not in P: given n = pq for two primes p and q in N and y Z/nZ, find an x Z/nZ such that x2y2 but x ≢ ± y.

Factoring can be reduced to finding congruent squares. Suppose we want to factor n. We find x and y such that:
x2 mod n
y2 mod n
0 mod n
(x2-y2) mod n
((x+y) ⋅ (x-y)) mod n
(x+y) ⋅ (x-y)
Since n cannot divide (x+y) (because x ≢ ± y, so x + yn), and it cannot divide (x-y) (since (x+y) < n), and (x-y) ≠ 0 (since x ≢ ± y), it must be that n shares factors with both (x+y) and (x-y). Thus, it must be that either gcd(n,x + y) or gcd(n,x - y) is a non-trivial factor of n, and this can be computed efficiently.

Suppose that for a prime p, we can solve the congruent squares problem efficiently (in fact, we have such algorithms for p ≡ 3, p ≡ 5, and p ≡ 7 in Z/8Z, but for primes where p ≡ 1 (mod 8), no efficient algorithm is known). Then we can use the Chinese remainder theorem to solve the congruent squares problem for n = pq where p and q are prime.

Fact: Let p N be a prime such that p mod 4 = 3, and suppose that y Z/pZ. Then y has either 0, 1, or 2 roots in Z/pZ.

Example: Consider 3 Z/7Z. We have that:
02 ≡ 0 (mod 7)
12 ≡ 1 (mod 7)
22 ≡ 4 (mod 7)
32 ≡ 2 (mod 7)
42 ≡ 2 (mod 7)
52 ≡ 4 (mod 7)
62 ≡ 1 (mod 7)
Notice that 3, 5, and 6 are not quadratic residues in Z/7Z. Thus, x2 ≡ 3, x2 ≡ 5, and x2 ≡ 6 have solutions in Z/7Z.

Example: Consider 0 Z/3Z. We have that:
02 ≡ 0 (mod 3)
12 ≡ 1 (mod 3)
22 ≡ 1 (mod 3)
Thus, x2 ≡ 0 has exactly one solution in Z/3Z.

Example: Consider 3 Z/5Z. We have that:
02 ≡ 0 (mod 5)
12 ≡ 1 (mod 5)
22 ≡ 4 (mod 5)
32 ≡ 4 (mod 5)
42 ≡ 1 (mod 5)
Notice that 2 and 3 are not quadratic residues in Z/5Z. Thus, neither x2 ≡ 2 nor x2 ≡ 3 have solutions in Z/5Z.

Fact: Let p N be a prime such that p mod 4 = 3, and suppose that y Z/pZ is a quadratic residue with two roots in Z/pZ. Then we can compute the roots using the following formula:
x ≡ ± y(p+1)/4 (mod p)

Example: Suppose we are given an instance of the congruent squares problem where y = 2 and n = 15. We want to find x Z/15Z such that x ≢ ± y but x2y2 ≡ 22 ≡ 4.

Notice that we have that:
2 mod 3
22 mod 3
1 mod 3
12 mod 3
1 mod 3
Notice also that we have that:
2 mod 5
22 mod 5
4 mod 5
32 mod 5
4 mod 5
Thus, the square roots of 4 in Z/3Z are 1 and 2, and the square roots of 4 in Z/5Z are 2 and 3. We can then apply the Chinese remainder theorem to every pair of combinations:
1 mod 3
2 mod 5
7 mod 15
2 mod 3
2 mod 5
2 mod 15
1 mod 3
3 mod 5
13 mod 15
2 mod 3
3 mod 5
8 mod 15

Thus, x = 8 and x = 7 are solutions to x ≢ ± 3 and x2 ≡ 4.

Above, we have shown that several problems are not in P. There is another complexity class to which they definitely belong.

Definition: A problem X is in NP iff there exists a polynomial-time algorithm that, when given a problem instance and a candidate solution, can always verify whether the candidate solution is indeed a solution.

Another (equivalent) definition: a problem X is in NP iff a polynomial-time non-deterministic Turing machine can solve every instance of the problem.

Definition: A problem X is NP-complete iff it is in NP and for every problem in NP there is a polynomial-time reduction to X.

Example (Diffie-Hellman key exchange): We introduce the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol. This protocol is useful if two parties who cannot meet physically want to agree on a secret value that only they know.

This protocol's security only relies on the discrete logarithm assumption.

It is not known whether the discrete logarithm problem is related to the factoring problem. Factoring can be reduced using a probabilistic approach to the discrete logarithm problem modulo pq.

Example (Rabin cryptosystem): We introduce the Rabin cryptosystem protocol. It is similar to the RSA scheme, but it does not rely on the difficulty of the RSA problem.

Notice that the receiver must guess which of the square roots corresponds to the original message.

The following diagram summarizes the relationships between the problems that are conjectured to be intractable (i.e., not in P). Each directed edge represents that there exists a polynomial-time reduction from the source problem to the destination problem. All of the nodes in the graph are conjectured to be not in P.

Complexity of algorithms for solving tractable problems

In this subsection we consider the complexity of efficient algorithms for performing common arithmetic operations. We consider the complexity of arithmetic operations on each of the following domains:

All of our arithmetic algorithms will operate on bit string representations of positive integers. A bit string representation such as
is defined to represent the integer
20a0 + ... + 2n-1an-1
Since the operations we consider usually take two arguments, we will follow the following conventions: Thus, x ≤ 2n - 1 and y ≤ 2m - 1.

Fact: There exists an algorithm that can compute the sum of an n-bit integer x and an m-bit integer y in time O(max(n,m)+1). The size of the output is O(max(n,m)+1).

  1. addition of unbounded positive integers: n-bit integer x, m-bit integer y
    1. r (a bit vector to store the result)
    2. c := 0 (the carry bit)
    3. for i from 0 to max(n,m)-1
      1. r[i] := (x[i] xor y[i]) xor c
      2. c := (x[i] and y[i]) or (x[i] and c) or (y[i] and c)
    4. r[max(n,m)+1] := c
    5. return r

Fact: There exists an algorithm that can compute the product of an n-bit integer x and an m-bit integer y in time O(n ⋅ (max(n,m)+1+n)) or O(max(n,m)2). The size of the output is O(n+m) (because we do not shift left for the 21 case, the m-bit integer is shifted left at most n-1 times, but there may still be a carried bit on the last addition operation performed).

  1. multiplication of unbounded positive integers: n-bit integer x, m-bit integer y
    1. r (a bit vector to store the result)
    2. for i from 0 to n-1
      1. if x[i] is 1
        1. r := r + y (using unbounded integer addition)
      2. shift the bits of y left by one bit (i.e., multiply y by 2)
    3. return r

Fact: There exists an algorithm that can compute the exponentiation xy of an n-bit integer x and an m-bit integer y in time O(n ⋅ 2m). The size of the output is O(n ⋅ 2m). Notice that this means that for unbounded integer outputs, the algorithm runs in exponential time.

  1. exponentiation of unbounded positive integers: n-bit integer x, m-bit integer y
    1. r (a bit vector to store the result)
    2. for i from 0 to m-1
      1. if y[i] is 1
        1. r := rx (using unbounded integer multiplication)
      2. x := xx (using unbounded integer multiplication)
    3. return r

Fact: There exists an algorithm that can compute the integer quotient ⌊ x / y ⌋ of an n-bit integer x and an m-bit integer y in time O((nn) + (n ⋅ (2 ⋅ n))) or O(n2).

  1. integer division of unbounded positive integers: n-bit integer x, m-bit integer y
    1. if y > x
      1. return 0
    2. for i from 0 to n-1
      1. shift y left by one bit
    3. r (a bit vector to store ⌊ x / y ⌋ ⋅ y)
    4. q (a bit vector to store the integer quotient)
    5. p := 2n-1 (to keep track of the current power of 2)
    6. for i from 0 to n-1
      1. if r+y < x
        1. r := r+y (using unbounded integer addition)
        2. q := q+p (using unbounded integer addition)
      2. shift y right by one bit
      3. shift p right by one bit
    7. return q

Fact: There exists an algorithm that can compute x mod y of an n-bit integer x and an m-bit integer y in time O(n2).

This is accomplished by first performing integer division, then an integer multiplication, and then a subtraction. This corresponds to the formula for the modulus operation:
x mod y
x - ⌊ x/y ⌋ ⋅ y

When we consider the operations above as operating on integers modulo 2n (with results also in 2n, this corresponds to simply dropping any bits beyond the n least-significant bits when performing the computation.

Fact: There exists an algorithm that can compute the sum of two n-bit integers x and y in time O(n). The size of the output is O(n).

  1. addition of n-bit integers: n-bit integers x, y
    1. r (an n-bit vector to store the result)
    2. c := 0 (the carry bit)
    3. for i from 0 to n-1
      1. r[i] := (x[i] xor y[i]) xor c
      2. c := (x[i] and y[i]) or (x[i] and c) or (y[i] and c)
    4. return r

Fact: There exists an algorithm that can compute the product of two n-bit integers x and y in time O(n2). The size of the output is O(n).

Fact: There exists an algorithm that can compute xy for two n-bit integers x and y in time O(n3). The size of the output is O(n).

Fact: The recursive algorithm for gcd (and the extended Euclidean algorithm) makes O(log (max(x,y))) recursive calls on an integer inputs x N and y N. Notice that this means that the number of recursive calls is linear, or O(max(n,m)), for inputs consisting of an n-bit integer x and an m-bit integer y.

To see the above, consider the following fact: for any a N, b N, if ba then a mod b < (1/2) ⋅ a. Consider the two possibilities for a and b:

Thus, every time a mod b is computed in the algorithms, size of the second paramter is halved. Since every other invocation switches the two parameters, both parameters are halved. Thus, the number of invocations or iterations for an input m is log(m).

Fact: The recursive algorithm for the extended Euclidean algorithm on inputs consisting of an n-bit integer x and an m-bit integer y runs in time O(max(n,m) ⋅ (2 ⋅ max(n,m)2 + max(n,m))), or O(max(n,m)3).

The number of recursive calls is about max(n,m), and each recursive call involves an integer division, a multiplication, and a subtraction.

Fact: The following problem can be solved in polynomial time: given x (Z/nZ)*, compute x -1.

This can be reduced to running the extended Euclidean algorithm, which has a polynomial running time.

Fact: There exists an O(max(n,m)3 + (n+m)2) algorithm that can solve the following system of two equations (for n-bit integers x,x' and m-bit integers y,y') using the Chinese remainder theorem:
x' (mod x)
y' (mod y)
This algorithm calls the extended Euclidean algorithm on x and y, and then performs four multiplications modulo (xy).

Example: Suppose we have a set of distinct prime numbers {p1,...pj} such that each prime has an n-bit representation. Let P be the product of these primes. We must perform the following number of operations modulo P:
  1. k multiplications;
  2. k exponentiations.
For each of the above, how large must k be in order for us to choose to employ the Chinese remainder theorem instead of simply performing the operations modulo P directly using the multiplication or exponentiation algorithms?

  1. Since the representation size of P is jn bits, the multiplication operation modulo P has a running time of O((jn)2). Multiplication operations modulo any of the primes pi {p1,...pj} have a running time of O(n2). Thus, the crossover point is the solution for k given the following equation:
    k ⋅ (jn)2
    kj ⋅ (n2) + (j ⋅ (jn)3)

Assignment #4: Reductions, Quadratic Residues, and Review

For this assignment, you will submit a single Python source file You may include answers to the written problems inside a comment block at the beginning of the file (e.g., using ''' This is a comment. ''').

For the written problems #1-5, you may NOT use a programming language or calculator, and you must show your work. When making a claim in an argument, you should reference the fact you are applying.

For the programming problems #6-7, your file may not import any modules or employ any external library functions associated with integers and sets (unless the problem statement explicitly permits this). You will be graded on the correctness, concision, and mathematical legibility of your code. You may reuse functions that you defined on previous assignments.

    1. Suppose the following set S and relation R on S are defined:
      Define explicitly the quotient set S/R.
      Since R is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive, it is an equivalence relation. Thus, we can divide S into a collection of subsets of S so that the members of each subset of mutually equivalent according to R.

      Thus, we have S/R = {{0}, {1, 7}, {2, 3, 4}, {5}, {6}}.
    2. Let n N and a Z/nZ. Suppose that gcd(a,n) = 1. Determine the exact size of the following set:
      { ai mod n | i {0,...,n-1} }
      We know that the above set is a permutation of {0,...,n-1}, so the size is n.
    3. Let n N and a Z/nZ. Suppose that gcd(a,n) = 1. Determine the exact size of the following set:
      { i ⋅ (aφ(n)) mod n | i {0,...,n-1} }
      We know by Euler's theorem that aφ(n) mod n = 1 since a and n are coprime. Thus, the size of the set is n, since this is exactly the set {0,...,n-1}.
    4. Let p N be a prime number. Determine the exact size of the following set:
      { aφ(p) mod p | a {1,...,p-1} }
      We know by Euler's theorem that aφ(p) mod p = 1 if a and p are coprime. Thus, the size of the set is 1.
  1. Find the multiplicative inverse of each of the following if it exists, or explain why it does not exist (the solution may be a formula in terms of the variables in the expression).
    1. 2 Z/5Z
    2. 3 Z/10Z
    3. 5 Z/21Z
    4. (2 ⋅ 3) Z/11Z
    5. 6 Z/7Z
    6. (3 ⋅ b) Z/(ab)Z
    7. a Z/(a+1)Z
    8. (ab) Z/((ab)-1)Z
    1. 2φ(5)-1 mod 5   =   23 mod 5   =   8 mod 5 = 3
    2. 3φ(10)-1 mod 10   =   3((5-1)⋅(2-1))-1 mod 10   =   33 mod 10 = 7
    3. Using the formula for inverses in terms of φ:
      5φ(21)-1 mod 21
      5((7-1)⋅(3-1))-1 mod 21
      511 mod 21
      5 ⋅ (52)5 mod 21
      5 ⋅ (4)5 mod 21
      5 ⋅ 4 ⋅ (22)4 mod 21
      20 ⋅ (28) mod 21
      20 ⋅ 256 mod 21
      20 ⋅ 4 mod 21
      80 mod 21
      17 mod 21
    4. For purposes of illustration, we solve this by finding the inverses of the components, then multiplying:
      2 ⋅ 6
      1 mod 11
      3 ⋅ 4
      1 mod 11
      (2 ⋅ 3) -1
      6 ⋅ 4
      2 (mod 11)
    5. 6 Z/7Z, since 6 ⋅ 6 = 36 ≡ 1 (mod 7)
    6. If b > 1, then there is no inverse, since gcd(3 ⋅ b, ab) ≥ b. If b = 1, then the inverse is (3 ⋅ b)φ(ab)-1 mod (ab). Either or both of these answers are acceptable.
    7. We know that gcd(a, a+1) = 1. Thus, we can find s and t that satisfy Bézout's identity:
      sa + t ⋅ (a + 1)
      gcd(a, a+1)
      (-1) ⋅ a + (1) ⋅ (a + 1)
      But (s,t) is the output of the extended Euclidean algorithm, and if the greatest common divisor is 1, then s is the multiplicative inverse of the first argument modulo the second argument, which is a in this case. Thus, -1 Z/(a+1)Z, or (a+1)-1 = a, is the multiplicative inverse of a in Z/(a+1)Z. Alternatively, a -1aφ(a+1)-1 mod (a+1). Either or both of these answers are acceptable.
    8. We know that (ab) ≡ 1 (mod ((ab) - 1)). Thus, the inverse is 1 Z/((ab) - 1)Z.
  2. Compute each of the following.
    1. 111025 mod 17
      Since 11 and 17 are coprime, we have that 111025 ≡ 111025 mod φ(17). Then, we have that:
      1025 mod φ(17)
      1025 (mod 16)
      (210 + 1) (mod 24)
      1 (mod 24)
      111 (mod 17)
      11 (mod 17)
    2. 2(2100000001) mod 7
      Since gcd(2,7) = 1, we can compute 2100000001 mod φ(7) to make the exponent more manageable. We know that the powers of 2 modulo 6 are 2,4,2,4,2,4,2,4,... Thus, since 100000001 is odd, we have:
      21 (mod 6)
      2(21) (mod 7)
      4 (mod 7)
    3. { x | x Z/17Z, x2 ≡ 16 mod 17 }
      Since 17 is prime, we know there are at most two solutions. Since 16 < 17, we know that they are 4 and -4 = 17-4 = 13. Thus, this set is {4, 13}.
    4. { x | x Z/10Z, x2 ≡ 9 mod 10 }
      The two obvious solutions to the equation x2 ≡ 9 (mod 10) are 3 and -3 = 10-3 = 7. However, there may be as many as four solutions since 10 = 2 ⋅ 5.

      In Z/2Z, 9 ≡ 1. The two solutions in Z/2Z are thus 1 and -1. However, since -1 = 2-1 = 1, there is only one solution in Z/2Z.

      In Z/5Z, 9 ≡ 4, and the two solutions are 2 and -2 = 5-2 = 3. Thus, there are two distinct systems of equations that can be set up, so there are two distinct solutions x1 and x2:
      1 (mod 2)
      2 (mod 5)
      1 (mod 2)
      3 (mod 5)
      The two solutions are still 3 and 7. Thus, the set is {3,7}.
    5. |{ x | x2 ≡ 4 mod (7 ⋅ 23 ⋅ 31 ⋅ 59) }|
      We know that 2 and -2 are solutions to x2 ≡ 4 in Z/7Z, Z/23Z, Z/31Z, and Z/59Z because these moduli are greater than 4. Thus, there are 24 possible distinct systems of equations for which we can use CRT to find solutions. Thus, there are 24 = 16 solutions, so the size of this set is 16.
    6. (Z/6Z)*
      Using the definition, we have that:
      {x | x Z/6Z, x -1 Z/6Z}
      {x | x Z/6Z, gcd(x,6) = 1}
      {1, 5}
  3. At some point in the past, Alice used Bob's public RSA key (n,e) to send him several encrypted messages. Bob stored the encrypted versions of these messages without decrypting them. Some time later, Bob decides to read the messages. However, he discovers he has misplaced his public key (n,e), his private key d, and one of his primes p; he only knows q and φ(n) (he cannot ask anyone else for the lost information). Can Bob find a way to recover some or all of the lost information and read Alice's old messages? Explain in detail.
    Bob can use q and φ(n) to recover p, since:
    (p-1) ⋅ (q-1)
    (φ(n)/(q-1)) + 1
    However, e was chosen at random from (Z/φ(n)Z)*, and p and q do not help in reproducing it. Thus, even though Bob could compute d for a given e, e cannot be recovered, so Bob cannot recover the lost information.
  4. Suppose that an efficient algorithm has been discovered for computing discrete logarithms modulo primes. That is, given some value ga mod p, it is now possible to efficiently compute a if g is known (i.e., logg (ga) ≡ a). Assuming that no other discoveries have been made, explain how Alice and Bob can (possibly using some other method, not necessarily D-H) still securely agree on a shared secret integer s Z without meeting in person. You must explain why this alternate method is still secure despite the new discovery.
    Because none of the other problems we considered (factoring, computing φ, congruent squares, and the RSA problem) have any known polynomial-time reductions to the discrete logarithm problem, the existence of an efficient algorithm for computing discrete logarithms does not imply an efficient solution for any of the other problems. Thus, it is no more risky than before to assume that cryptographic protocols such as RSA are secure.

    Bob and Alice could use the RSA or Rabin cryptographic protocol. For example, Alice chooses a secret, and Bob generates a public RSA key. Alice then encrypts and sends the secret value to Bob. Bob decrypts that secret value. At this point, Alice and Bob share a secret that no one else knows (assuming RSA is secure).
  5. Consider the following problem (call it "φ-four"): "given an integer n that is the product of four distinct primes, find φ(n)." Notice that the four distinct primes are not known in the specification of the problem. It is only known that n is the product of some four distinct primes.
    1. Given our assumptions about the intractability of various problems (i.e., that certain problems are not in P), you must show that φ-four is also not in P. To do so, you must implement a solver for some existing intractable problem that uses a solver for φ-four (call it phi_four()) as a subroutine. The algorithm you implement must represent a polynomial-time reduction to φ-four from the intractable problem you choose. Note: remember that the four primes must be distinct; your reduction must work for all possible instances of the intractable problem.
    2. Suppose that we discover an efficient algorithm getFactor() that takes a single integer input and returns exactly one prime factor of its input. Implement a Python function that solves φ-four efficiently by calling getFactor() as a subroutine.
  6. Implement a Python function roots() that takes two arguments: an integer y as its first argument, and a list of primes as its second argument. You may assume that all the primes p are such that p ≡ 3 mod 4. Let P be the product of all the primes in the list. The function should return a set of all the distinct square roots of y2 in Z/PZ. Your implementation must be efficient (i.e., it may not iterate over all possible values in Z/PZ to look for square roots).

Review #1

This section contains a comprehensive collection of review problems going over the course material covered until this point. These problems are an accurate representation of the kinds of problems you may see on an exam.

Problem: It is the case that 2 ⋅ 3 + (-1) ⋅ 5 = 1. Solve the following system of equations:
2 (mod 3)
3 (mod 5)

Given u = 2, m = 3, a = 2, v = -1, n = 5, and b = 3, the formula for the solution is:
(umb + vna) mod (mn)
(2 ⋅ 3 ⋅ 3 + (-1) ⋅ 5 ⋅ 2) mod (3 ⋅ 5)
(18 - 10) mod 15
8 mod 15

Problem: Solve the following system of equations:
2 (mod 7)
3 (mod 5)

We can list the positive members of the equivalence classes 2 Z/7Z and 3 Z/5Z that are less than 35. The one element that appears in both lists is the solution in Z/35Z to the above system.
2 + 7Z
{..., 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, ...}
3 + 5Z
{..., 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 28, 33, ...}

Problem: Determine the size of the following set:
{x | x Z/(11 ⋅ 13)Z, x ≡ 5 mod 11, x ≡ 7 mod 13}

By the Chinese remainder theorem, we know there exists exactly one solution in Z/(11 ⋅ 13)Z to the following system of equations:
5 (mod 11)
7 (mod 13)
Thus, the size of the set is 1.

Problem: Determine the size of the following set:
{x | x Z/(11 ⋅ 13)Z, s Z/11Z, t Z/13Z, xs mod 11, xt mod 13 }

Consider the following set. Notice that the right-hand side of the comprehension is exactly the same as that of the above. The only difference is that the left-hand side x in the above expression has been replaced with (x, s, t).
{(x, s, t) | x Z/(11 ⋅ 13)Z, s Z/11Z, t Z/13Z, xs mod 11, xt mod 13 }
By the Chinese remainder theorem, we know that exactly one tuple (x, s, t) for each x Z/(11 ⋅ 13)Z will satisfy the conditions in the comprehension, because for each distinct pair (s, t), exactly one x Z/(11 ⋅ 13)Z will be a solution to the system of equations:
s (mod 11)
t (mod 13)
Thus, the conditions in the comprehension will be satisfied at least once for every x Z/(11 ⋅ 13)Z. Thus, the entire set is exactly the set Z/(11 ⋅ 13)Z, and it is the case that
|Z/(11 ⋅ 13)Z|
11 ⋅ 13

Problem:Suppose that n N is even and n/2 - 1 is odd. Determine the size of the following set:
{i ⋅ (n/2 - 1) mod n | i {0,...,n-1} }

We know that gcd(n/2 - 1, n/2) = 1. Since n/2 - 1 is odd, 2 is not a factor of n/2 - 1, so gcd(n/2 - 1, n) = 1. Thus, n/2 - 1 and n are coprime. Thus, the above set must be a permutation.

Problem: For any prime n N, let a Z/nZ have an inverse a -1 Z/nZ. Determine the size of the following set:
{ (ai) mod n | i Z/nZ }

If a has an inverse in Z/nZ (whether or not n is prime), then gcd(a, n) = 1, so the above set must be a permutation.

Problem: Solve the following system of equations for x Z/21Z (find all solutions):
1 (mod 3)
1 (mod 7)

We know that there is exactly one solution y Z/21Z to the following system:
1 (mod 3)
1 (mod 7)
The solution is simply y = 1, and since there is only one solution, this is the only possibility. Thus, we are looking for all the solutions to the following equation:
1 (mod 21)
Since 3 mod 4 = 7 mod 4 = 3, we know that there are two solutions to each of the following equations:
1 (mod 3)
1 (mod 7)
The solutions are as follows:
1 (mod 3)
2 (mod 3)
1 (mod 7)
6 (mod 7)
Taking every pair of combinations with one solution from Z/3Z and one solution from Z/7Z, we get:
1 (mod 3)
1 (mod 7)
1 (mod 21)
2 (mod 3)
1 (mod 7)
8 (mod 21)
1 (mod 3)
6 (mod 7)
13 (mod 21)
2 (mod 3)
6 (mod 7)
20 (mod 21)

Problem: How many solutions x Z/(33 ⋅ 35)Z does the following system of equations have:
4 (mod 33)
4 (mod 35)

We know that each of the following equations have two solutions (2 and -2 in the respective sets). Notice that 4 mod 3 = 1.
1 (mod 3)
4 (mod 11)
4 (mod 5)
4 (mod 7)
Thus, there are two possible choices for each of the variables r1 {-2,2}, r2 {-2,2}, r3 {-2,2}, r4 {-2,2}, so there are 2 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 2 = 24 = 16 possible systems of the form:
r1 (mod 3)
r2 (mod 11)
r3 (mod 5)
r4 (mod 7)
Each system has a unique solution because the tuple (r1, r2, r3, r4) is unique, so there are 16 solutions for x in Z/(33 ⋅ 35)Z.

Alternatively, we could break the problem down into two subproblems. First, we solve the following equation:
4 (mod 33)
We obtain four distinct solutions (r1, r2, r3, r4) in Z/33Z. Next, we solve the following equation:
4 (mod 35)
We then have four distinct solutions in (s1, s2, s3, s4) Z/35Z. Since gcd(33,35) = 1, we can then take any combination of solutions ri and si and set up the system:
ri (mod 33)
si (mod 35)
There will be exactly one solution to each of the above systems. There are 42 = 16 distinct systems, so there will be 16 distinct solutions.

Problem: For a given y Z/(pq)Z where p and q are distinct primes, how many solutions does the following system of equations have:
y2 (mod p)
y2 (mod q)

The value y2 Z/(pq)Z is a constant with respect to x, so by the Chinese remainder theorem, there is exactly one solution x Z/(pq)Z to the above system.

Problem: For a given n Z and a (Z/nZ)*, does the following equation have a solution x Z/nZ?
x -1
a2 (mod n)

Suppose we take the inverse of both sides.
x -1
a2 (mod n)
(x -1) -1
(a2) -1 (mod n)
(a2) -1 (mod n)
Thus, we are searching for the multiplicative inverse of a2. Since a Z/nZ has a multiplicative inverse a -1 Z/nZ, we can multiply (a2) -1 by a -1 twice to obtain 1 Z/nZ.
(a -1a -1) ⋅ (a2)
(a -1a -1) ⋅ (aa)
a -1 ⋅ (a -1a) ⋅ a
a -1 ⋅ 1 ⋅ a
a -1a
Thus, a -1a -1 = (a -1)2 is the multiplicative inverse of a2.

Problem: For some a N, suppose that a -1 Z/21Z and a -1 Z/10Z (that is, a has an inverse in Z/21Z, and it also has an inverse in Z/10Z). Determine whether or not a has an inverse in Z/210Z. Explain why or why not.

If a has an inverse in Z/10Z and Z/21Z, then gcd(a,10) = 1 and gcd(a,21) = 1. Since gcd(10,21) = 1, a shares no factors with the product 10 ⋅ 21 = 210, so gcd(a, 210) = 1. Thus, a must have a multiplicative inverse in Z/210Z.

Problem: Let p be a large prime. Compute the set difference Z/pZ - (Z/pZ)*.

Since (Z/pZ)* is the set of elements of Z/pZ that have multiplicative inverses, it is the set of elements a Z/pZ such that gcd(a, p) = 1. However, because p is prime, all of the elements in Z/pZ except 0 have this property (since gcd(p, 0) = p; recall that 0/p Z and p|0). Thus,
Z/pZ - (Z/pZ)*

Problem: Suppose Alice and Bob decide to use the RSA protocol so that Alice can send encrypted messages to Bob.

  1. Bob picks two primes p = 3 and p = 7. What are Bob's possible choices for the public key e?
    Bob can choose any element in:
  2. Suppose Bob chooses e = 7. What is Bob's private key d?
    Since φ(21) = 12 and (7 ⋅ 7) mod 12 = 49 mod 12 = 1 mod 12, we have that:
    7 -1 (mod 12)
    (7 mod 12)
  3. If Alice wants to send the message 2, what encrypted message should she send?
    In this case, Alice should send 2, because the encrypted form of 2 is 2:
    27 (mod 21)
    128 (mod 21)
    2 (mod 21)
    This is one of the situations in which the ciphertext happens to be the same as the message. This is why padding is important when implementing RSA for real-world applications.
  4. How can Bob decrypt Alice's message?
    27 (mod 21)
    128 (mod 21)
    2 (mod 21)

Problem: Suppose Eve asks Alice for some sensitive information, so Alice requests that they employ the RSA protocol. However, Eve wants to conserve resources, so she cheats. Eve chooses a large prime p, picks an e Z/(p-1)Z, and tells Alice that (p,e) is her public key.

  1. Suppose another eavesdropper, Carl, learns that Eve is cheating this way. Can he decrypt Alice's messages if he intercepts them in transit?
  2. Yes. Carl can easily compute d = e -1 mod φ(p) because he can compute φ(p) = p-1 given the public value p. Given any ciphertext me mod p, he can compute (me)d mod p = m to decrypt it.
  3. What can Alice do to check whether Eve is cheating before she transmits any "encrypted" messages to her?
    Alice can use the Fermat primality test to check whether the n in Eve's public key (n,e) is probably prime or composite. If the Fermat primality test indicates that n is composite (i.e., Alice finds a witness a Z/nZ that n is composite because an-1 mod n ≠ 1), Alice can agree to send encrypted messages to Eve.
  4. What can Eve do to keep cheating but make it computationally more difficult for Alice to catch her?
    If Eve tells Alice that she will always use a Carmichael number n for all her public keys, Alice will have a harder time detecting when Eve is cheating (i.e., if Alice is unable to find witnesses, Alice has no way of knowing whether this is because Eve is cheating and using a prime, or because Eve is using a Carmichael number for n).

    However, Alice can adopt a policy that makes it impossible for Eve to cheat if she wants to communicate with Alice. Alice can announce that she will only send messages to Eve if Alice is able to quickly find a Fermat witness for n. If Alice cannot find a witness quickly, Alice will request that the receiver generate a new n and a new public key (n, e).

    Assuming Eve does not want to cheat, but wants to communicate with Alice, it is likely that any n Eve generates will not be a Carmichael number, and if so, it is likely that Alice will be able to quickly detect that the n is composite. Thus, adopting such a policy is very unlikely to impair Alice's ability to communicate with an honest receiver.

    Notice that simply encrypting some test messages and then trying to decrypt them in order to detect whether Eve is cheating can lead to false positive. As we saw in the previous problem, some ciphertexts may be exactly the same as the message being sent (by coincidence).

Problem: In gambling game, you win if you can guess correctly whether a large number n is prime in under a minute. You are given a handheld calculator that can only perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation, and modulus (the calculator can represent arbitrarily large numbers, and can provides quotients to any precision). Under what conditions would you have a high chance of winning the game?

The possibility that is most favorable is if the number is composite and not a Carmichael number. In that case, at least half of the numbers in {2,...,n-1} are Fermat witnesses. If you pick a few random a {2,...,n-1} and compute an-1 mod n, it is likely for at least one a the result will be greater than 1, which would make a a witness that n is composite. You would then be able to say with certainty that p is not prime, winning the game.

If n is a composite Carmichael number, you are unlikely to find any witnesses in only a few tries unless the number has many factors. Thus, you won't have much more information after a minute of trial-and-error than you did when the number was first revealed to you. If n is a prime number, you have no chance of finding any witnesses.

Algebraic Structures

In this section we present the definitions for common algebraic structures frequently encountered in computer science. We identify what properties these structures do and do not share with Z/nZ, and generalize many of the definitions and results we have seen when studying modular arithmetic to these algebraic structures.

Algebraic Structures and Axioms

We define several common algebraic structures. These structures are all sets that are closed under a binary operator. They are distinguished by what other common axioms the set and operator satisfy.

Definition: Let S be a set, and let ⊕ be a binary operator. Let closure(S,⊕) be the closure of S under ⊕. We can define this set in the following way:
closure(S, ⊕)
{ x1x2 | x1,x2 S } ∪ { x1 ⊕ (x2x3) | x1,x2,x3 S } ∪ { (x1x2) ⊕ x3 | x1,x2,x3 S } ∪ ...
Alternatively, we could define it in the following way using recursion:
closure0(S, ⊕)
closuren(S, ⊕)
{ xy | x,y (closuren-1(S, ⊕) ∪ ... ∪ closure0(S, ⊕)}
closure(S, ⊕)
closure0(S, ⊕) ∪ closure1(S, ⊕) ∪ closure2(S, ⊕) ∪ ...

Notice that if a set S is finite, there is a natural way to algorithmically list all elements in closure(S, ⊕) by starting with the elements in S and "building up" all the elements in each of the closurei(S, ⊕) subsets.

Definition: Let S be a set, and let ⊕ be a binary operator. Let A be the closure of S under ⊕. Thus, we have that ⊕: A × A A. In this case, we call A a magma and we call S the generating set or the set of generators of A.

In other words, a set A is a magma under ⊕ if:

Definition: A set A is a semigroup under ⊕ if:

Definition: A set A is a monoid under ⊕ if:

Definition: A set A is a group under ⊕ if:

Definition: A set A is an abelian group under ⊕ if:

Any of the above terms can be prefixed with free to indicate that no other axioms apply.

Definition: A set A is a free magma under ⊕ if the only axiom that applies to A and ⊕ is: That is, a free magma's operator ⊕ is strictly not associative, cannot have an identity in A, cannot have inverses, and so on.

Any of the above terms can be prefixed with finite to indicate that A is finite. The set of generators of an algebraic structure may be finite or infinite.

Definition: A set A is a finite group under ⊕ if A is a finite set.

Any of the above terms can be prefixed with commutative to indicate that the operator is commutative over the set.

Definition: A set A is a commutative semigroup under ⊕ if A is a semigroup under ⊕ and it is also true that:

Typically, we call a commutative group an abelian group.

Fact: A set A is an abelian group under ⊕ if it is a commutative group under ⊕.

Example: For each of the following algebraic structures, find:
  1. which algebraic structure it is (i.e., which axioms apply and which do not);
  2. a generating set for the structure;
  3. whether the algebraic structure is finite.
  1. The set of binary trees (i.e., nodes with exactly two children, and leaves at the bottom); ⊕ corresponds to joining two trees with a node.
  2. The set of all strings consisting of the characters a, b, and c (including the empty string), and string concatenation.
  3. The set of positive integers and integer addition.
  4. The set of positive integers and integer multiplication.
  5. The set Z/nZ and addition modulo n.
  6. The set Z/nZ and multiplication modulo n.
  7. The set (Z/nZ)* and multiplication modulo n.
  8. The set N and the max operation.
  9. The set of subsets of {1,2,3} and the set union operation ∪.
  10. The set of subsets of {1,2,3} and the set intersection operation ∩.

Implementations of Algebraic Structures and Operations

The properties of an algebraic structure (i.e., associativity, identity, commutativity, and so on) influence how we can store individual elements in these structures, and how we can implement algorithms that perform operations over those elements.

Example: Suppose we have an algebra consisting of the set N and the binary operator max. Which algebraic properties does this algebraic structure satisfy? Notice that there are no identities or inverses. Thus, A is a commutative semigroup.

Suppose that we have a distributed database (i.e., different parts of the database are on different computers) containing records that indicate the ages of individual people. These age values are represented as elements in N. How can we compute the age of the oldest individual that has a record in the database?

Because max is associative and commutative over A, each computer can compute max over the records that are stored on it. Once each computer has computed its maximum, it can broadcast it to the other computers. One computer can then be designated to receive these maxima and take their maximum to obtain the final result.

Example: Consider the following set A:
{unknown} ∪ {(a,n) | a N, n N}
Consider the following definition of a binary operator ⊕ over A: given (a,n) and (b,m): Is A an algebraic structure? What are its algebraic properties? What does this tell us about how we can implement an algorithm that performs this operation over many elements in A?

Example: Suppose a customer wants us to store a very large individual element x from each of the following sets in a distributed manner (i.e., we want to store it in parts on multiple computers). We assume that the customer does not care if we store an equivalent element. What additional annotation information will we need in order to reconstruct the element? What information can we eliminate, thus optimizing our use of storage space?

The following table lists the correspondences between the parts of an algebraic structure and how they might correspond to a concrete data structure.

abstract algebraic structure concrete data structure
element in set of generators S individual character, string, or data object
set of generators S base cases; alphabet; data containers
operator ⊕ constructor for node with children; operator/function/method on data items
element in closure of S under ⊕ individual data object
closure of S under ⊕ set of all possible data objects

Suppose a concrete data structure corresponds to an algebraic structure with certain properties. The following table summarizes how those properties can inform or constrain implementations of algorithms or applications that operate on the concrete data sttructure.

magma commutative
semigroup commutative
monoid group abelian
binary trees
under node
binary trees
with unordered
branches under
node constructor
lists with
list concatenation;
strings with
string concatenation
sets with
lists with
list concatenation
and empty list;
strings with
string concatenation
and empty string
must operate on
data in its
ordering and
must operate on
data in its
must operate over
original ordering
can operate on
data in any
can employ identity
as a base case;
can ignore
identity entries
can "cancel" pairs of
adjacent inverses
can "cancel" all
elements that
can be paired
with an inverse
must store original ordering
and hierarchization
must store original
must store original ordering can store in any order no need to
store identities
compression common subtrees common hierarchies run-length encoding distinct elements
with quantities
can ignore
identity entries
can "cancel" pairs of
adjacent inverses;
can apply
can "cancel" all
elements that
can be paired
with an inverse
test case
can enumerate examples/test cases automatically
works correctly
for all inputs
can show this by structural induction

Group of all permutations (symmetric group)

Recall that a permutation on a set X is a bijective relation between X and X. Since a permutation is a map (i.e., a function), we can reason about composition of permutations (it is just the composition of functions). Thus, we can study sets of permutations as algebraic structures under the composition operation o.

Notice that for any set X of finite size n, we can relabel the elements of X to be {0,...,n-1} (that is, we can define a bijection between X and {0,...,n-1}). Thus, we can study permutations on {0,...,n-1} without loss of generality.

Definition: For the identity permutation on n elements, we adopt the notation [0,1,2,3,4,5,...,n-1]. Any other permutation is represented as a rearranged list of the elements in [0,1,2,3,4,5,...,n-1].

Definition: Any permutation that swaps exactly two elements is called a swap. Examples of swaps are [0,3,2,1], [1,0], and [0,6,2,3,4,5,1].

Definition: Any permutation that swaps exactly two adjacent elements is called an adjacent swap. Examples of adjacent swaps are [0,1,3,2], [1,0,2,3,4], and [0,1,3,2,4,5,6].

Definition: Define Sn to be the set of permutations of the set {0,...,n-1}. Together with the composition operation on permutations, Sn is a group, and we call it the symmetric group on n element: Notice that Sn is not commutative.

Fact: The symmetric group Sn contains n! permutations.

Suppose we want to construct a permutation [a1,...,an] using the elements in {0,...,n-1}, where we are only allowed to take each element in the set once and assign it to an unassigned entry ai. Then for the first slot, we have n possibilities; for the second, we have n-1 possibilities. For the third, we have n-2 possibilities, and so on until we have only one possibility left. Thus, the number of possible permutations we can make is:
n ⋅ (n-1) ⋅ (n-2) ⋅ ... ⋅ 2 ⋅ 1

Example: The group of permutations of {0,1} is S2 = {[0,1], [1,0]}.

Example: The group of permutations of {0,1,2} is S3 = {[0,1,2], [0,2,1], [1,0,2], [1,2,0], [2,0,1], [2,1,0]}.

Example: Suppose we want to show that every permutation in Sn has an inverse. We know that the set of adjacent swaps is a generating set for Sn. Thus, if the operator o represents composition and B represents the set of adjacent swaps, we have that Sn = closure(B, o).

For the base cases in B: every swap is its own inverse.

Next, suppose a permutation p Sn and another permutation q Sn both have inverses p -1 and q -1. Then p o q also has an inverse q -1 o p -1:
(p o q) o (q -1 o p -1)
p o (q o q -1) o p -1
p o [0,...,n-1] o p -1
p o p -1

Fact: The sorting algorithms bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort, and quicksort all rely on swap permutations as their basic operation: If any of the above algorithms recorded the swap operations performed in a sort of a permutation p Sn, they would effectively decompose the permutation p into a list of swap permutations q1,...,qk such that if the swap permutations were composed in reverse, they would yield p:
q1 o ... o qk o [0,...,n-1]
This also implies that the complexity of determining the adjacent swaps that can be composed to form an arbitrary p Sn is at most O(n2) (using either insertion sort or bubble sort), while the complexity of determining the swaps that can be composed to form an arbitrary p Sn is at most O(n log n) (using quicksort).

Groups of circular shift permutations (cyclic groups)

Definition: Any permutation that performs a circular shift on elements is a circular shift permutation, or just a shift. Examples of shifts are [6,7,0,1,2,3,4,5], [2,3,4,0,1], and [4,0,1,2,3].

Definition: Let p = [n-1,0,1,2,...,n-2] be a shift by one element. Then we call Cn = closure(p, o) the cyclic group on n elements.

Fact: For any n N, the cyclic group Cn is commutative.

Assignment #5: Algebraic Structures and Permutations

For this assignment, you will submit a single Python source file

Your file may not import any modules or employ any external library functions associated with integers and sets (unless the problem statement explicitly permits this). You will be graded on the correctness, concision, and mathematical legibility of your code. The different problems and problem parts rely on each other; carefully consider whether you can use functions you define in one part within subsequent parts. You may reuse functions that you defined on previous assignments.

  1. Suppose that we decide to represent permutations as lists of integers, such as [2,1,0]. For example, given some ordered list of elements such as ['a','b','c'], after the permutation [2,1,0] is applied:
    • the element 'a'with index 0 in ['a','b','c'] should move to the location with index 2 in the result;
    • the element 'b'with index 1 in ['a','b','c'] should move to the location with index 1 in the result;
    • the element 'c'with index 2 in ['a','b','c'] should move to the location with index 0.
    1. Implement a function permute() that takes two arguments: a list a of length n and a permutation p on n elements. It should return the permuted list. For example:
      permute(['a','b','c'], [2,1,0]) # Should evaluate to ['c','b','a'].

    2. Implement a function compose() that takes two permutations p1 and p2, both of the same length, and returns a single permutation that is the composition of those two permutations. That is, it returns a permutation p3 that, when applied to a list, will produce the same result as applying the first permutation to the second permutation:
      # Should be "True" for any inputs if they are all of the same length.
      permute(a, compose(p1,p2)) == permute(permute(a, p1), p2)

    3. Implement a function composeList() that takes as its one input a list of permutations, and returns a single permutation that is the result of composing the permutations in the list (according to the order they appear in the list).

    4. Recall that for the set of permutations on n elements, the generating set can be the set of permutations that swap only two elements. Implement a function generators() that takes a single positive integer argument n and returns the set of generators for the set of permutations on n elements. An example is provided below.
      generators(4) # Should return {[1,0,2,3], [0,2,1,3], [0,1,3,2]}.
      generators(5) # Should return {[1,0,2,3,4], [0,2,1,3,4], [0,1,3,2,4], [0,1,2,4,3]}.
    5. Implement a function factor() that takes a single permutation on n elements as an input and returns a list of generating permutations that can be composed to reconstruct it:
      # Should be "True" for any permutation "p".
      composeList(factor(p)) == p
      See this fact about sorting algorithms for one approach that can be used to implement factor().
      # Part (e).
      def factor(p):
          # If the permutation is the identity, return a list containing two
          # instances of the same transposition.
          if list(p) == list(range(len(p))):
              transposition = list(p)
              transposition[0:2] = [1, 0]
              return [transposition, transposition]
          factors = []
          for i in range(0, len(p)):
              if p[i] != i:
                  for j in range(0, len(p)):
                      if p[j] == i:
                          factors = factors + [swapTwo([x for x in range(0, len(p))], i, j)]
                          p[j] = p[i]
                          p[i] = i
          # Reverse the list because the :func:`composeList` function expects the
          # permutations to be applied from left to right (instead of right to left
          # as in the mathematical definition of function composition).
          return list(reversed(factors))
  2. Suppose that we use Python classes to represent algebraic structures, so that objects of those classes correspond to elements of the algebraic structures. We define the following superclass; all algebraic structures will be subclasses of this superclass.
    class AlgebraicStructure():
        def __repr__(self):    return str(self)
        def __str__(self):     return str(self.elem)
        def __hash__(self):    return hash(self.elem)
        def generators(self):  return {}
        def associative(self): return False
        def identity(self):    return None
        def inverses(self):    return {}
        def commutative(self): return False
        def __eq__(x, y):
            return x.elem == y.elem
        def __init__(self, elem):
            self.elem = elem
        def __add__(x, y):
            # Complete this function for #2.
            # You may want to check wither either or both
            # of the inputs "x" and "y" are simply members
            # of the generating set, and transform them first
            # to make your code more uniform.
            return None
    It should be possible to define a new algebraic structure by defining a subclass and overloading a few of the member methods. For example, the following subclass represents a group with the generators 'a', 'b', and 'c':
    class G(AlgebraicStructure):
        def generators(self):  return {'a','b','c'}
        def associative(self): return True
        def identity(self):    return 'c'
        def inverses(self):    return {{'a','b'}, {'c','c'}}
        def commutative(self): return True
    Complete the definition of the __add__() method so that it works in at least the following cases. That is, the __add__() should behave differently in all of these cases, and it should decide how to behave by calling the member methods generators(), associative(), identity(), identity(), inverses(), and commutative().
    1. If the algebraic structure is a free magma, use nested lists to represent an element.
    2. If the algebraic structure is a commutative magma, use nested sets to represent an element.
    3. If the algebraic structure is a free semigroup, use a single list to represent an element.
    4. If the algebraic structure is a commutative semigroup, use a single set to represent an element.
    5. If the algebraic structure is a monoid, do not store the identity element unless it is necessary.
    6. If the algebraic structure is a group or commutative group, "cancel" as many elements with their inverses as possible in an element's representation.
        def __add__(x, y):
            # If the arguments are not from the same subclass,
            # do not return a result.
            if type(y) != type(x):
                return None
            constructor = type(x)
            c = x
            # Helper method for cancelling inverses in
            # non-commutative structures.
            def cancelNonCommutative(l):
                repeat = True
                while repeat:
                    repeat = False
                    for i in range(0,len(l)-1):
                        if frozenset([l[i],l[i+1]]) in c.inverses():
                            l = l[:i] + l[i+2:]
                            repeat = True
                return l
            # Helper methods for cancelling inverses in
            # non-commutative structures.
            def cancelCommutative(s):
                r = frozenset([])
                for (g1,q1) in s:
                    qNew = q1
                    for (g2,q2) in s:
                        if frozenset([g1,g2]) in c.inverses():
                            qNew = max(0, q1-q2)
                    if qNew > 0:
                        r = r.union({(g1, qNew)})
                return r
            # Free magmas.
            # Part (a).
            if not c.associative() and not c.commutative() and\
               c.identity() == None and len(c.inverses()) == 0:
                # We use lists because both order and hierarchization
                # matter.
                return constructor((x.elem,y.elem))
            # Commutative magmas.
            # Part (b).
            if not c.associative() and c.commutative() and\
               len(c.inverses()) == 0:
                # We use sets because order should not matter,
                # but they are nested since hierarchization
                # still matters.
                return constructor(frozenset([x.elem,y.elem]))
            # Free semigroups, free monoids, and free groups.
            # Parts (c), (e), and (f).
            if c.associative() and not c.commutative():
                # If either argument is the identity,
                # simply return the other argument.
                # This only applies to monoids.
                if x.elem == c.identity(): return y
                if y.elem == c.identity(): return x
                # We turn both argument representations into lists
                # so that we can operate on generators as single-item
                # lists.
                x = [x.elem] if not type(x.elem) is list else x.elem
                y = [y.elem] if not type(y.elem) is list else y.elem
                # We use list concatenation, which is associative.
                result = x + y
                # If inverses exist, we cancel as necessary.
                result = cancelNonCommutative(result)
                if len(result) == 0:
                    result = c.identity()
                # If the resulting list has length 1, then use the alternate
                # representation of the group element as just the element itself
                # instead of a singleton list.
                if isinstance(result, list) and len(result) == 1:
                    result = result[0]
                return constructor(result)
            # Commutative semigroups, commutative monoids, and commutative groups.
            # Parts (d), (e), and (f).
            if c.associative() and c.commutative():
                # If either argument is the identity,
                # simply return the other argument.
                # This only applies to monoids.
                if x.elem == c.identity(): return y
                if y.elem == c.identity(): return x
                # We use a relation mapping generators to counts
                # (which is just a set of pairs).
                x = [(x.elem,1)] if not type(x.elem) is frozenset else x.elem
                y = [(y.elem,1)] if not type(y.elem) is frozenset else y.elem
                # Collect all the generators found in "x" and "y".
                gs = set([g for (g,q) in x] + [g for (g,q) in y])
                def lookup(g,x):
                    d = dict(x)
                    if g in d: return d[g]
                    return 0
                # Add up the generator counts in "x" and "y" and
                # return the resulting relation.
                result = {(g, lookup(g,x) + lookup(g,y)) for g in gs}
                result = {(g,q) for (g,q) in result if q > 0}
                # If inverses exist, we cancel as necessary.
                result = cancelCommutative(result)
                if len(result) == 0:
                    result = c.identity()
                # If the resulting multiset has cardinality one, then use the
                # alternate representation of the group element as just the element
                # itself instead of a singleton multiset.
                if isinstance(result, frozenset) and len(result) == 1:
                    element, count = list(result)[0]
                    if count == 1:
                        result = element
                return constructor(result)
            return None
    Additional test cases are provided below.
    class M(AlgebraicStructure):
        def generators(self):  return {'A','B','C','D','E'}
    M('A') + M('B') == M('B') + M('A') # False.
    M('A') + M('C') + M('B') == M('A') + M('B') + M('B') # False.
    M('A') + (M('B') + M('C')) == M('A') + (M('B') + M('C')) # True.
    class CM(AlgebraicStructure):
        def generators(self):  return {'A','B','C'}
        def commutative(self): return True
    CM('A') + CM('B') == CM('B') + CM('A') # True.
    (CM('A') + CM('C')) + CM('B') == CM('B') + (CM('C') + CM('A')) # True.
    (CM('A') + CM('B')) + CM('C') == CM('A') + (CM('B') + CM('C')) # False.
    class S(AlgebraicStructure):
        def generators(self):  return {1,2,3}
        def associative(self): return True
    (S(1) + S(2)) + S(3) == S(1) + (S(2) + S(3)) # True.
    S(2) + S(1) + S(3) == S(3) + S(1) + S(2) # False.
    class CS(AlgebraicStructure):
        def generators(self):  return {1,2,3}
        def associative(self): return True
        def commutative(self): return True
    (CS(1) + CS(2)) + CS(3) == CS(1) + (CS(2) + CS(3)) # True.
    CS(2) + CS(1) + CS(3) == CS(3) + CS(1) + CS(2) # True.
    class N(AlgebraicStructure):
        def generators(self):  return {1,2,3}
        def associative(self): return True
        def identity(self):    return 1
    (N(3) + N(2)) + N(3) == N(3) + (N(2) + N(3)) # True.
    N(2) + N(1) + N(3) == N(3) + N(1) + N(2) # False.
    N(1) + N(2) == N(2) + N(1) == N(2) # True.
    class CG(AlgebraicStructure):
        def generators(self):  return {-1,0,1}
        def associative(self): return True
        def commutative(self): return True
        def identity(self):    return 0
        def inverses(self):    return frozenset([frozenset([-1,1]), frozenset([0,0])])
    CG(-1) + CG(1) == CG(0) # True.
    CG(1) + CG(1) + CG(-1) + CG(-1) + CG(1) == CG(0) + CG(1) # True.
    CG(-1) + CG(1) == CG(1) + CG(1) # False.
  3. Implement a new member method enumerate() for the AlgebraicStructure class. This method should take a single positive integer argument n, and should return a set of all the elements in the algebraic structure the representations of which contain n or fewer generators. See the definition of closure for one approach that can be used to implement this method.
        # Any approach for accessing the subclass that works is
        # acceptable. Here, we assume that ".generate()" is always
        # invoked on an object of the subclass.
        def enumerate(self, n):
            def remove_duplicates(l):
                """Inefficiently returns a new list which contains the elements of
                `l` with duplicates removed.
                If `l` is a set of hashable objects, use ``set(l)`` instead. This
                is primarily intended for lists of unhashable objects, like other
                result = []
                for x in l:
                    if x not in result:
                return result
            s = []
            if n == 1:
                for g in self.generators():
                for i in range(1,n):
                    for x in self.enumerate(i):
                        for y in self.enumerate(n - i):
                            s.append(x + y)
            return remove_duplicates(s)
  4. In this problem, you will implement methods for splitting an individual element from an algebraic structure (i.e., an object) into multiple parts that can later be reassembled back together to obtain an equivalent object.
    1. Implement a method split() for the AlgebraicStructure class that takes a single argument, a positive integer n (note that the definition will also have self as the first argument). This method should return a list; each entry in the list should be an ordered pair (a,e) such that e is an element in the algebraic structure that contains at most n generators, and a is an annotation for rebuilding the split-up element. You will need to decide what information, and how much of it, a must contain to solve part (b) below. For example, if the element is from a commutative semigroup (defined as a class CS) such that elements are represented using sets of generators, you may find that you do not need to store any information in a to reconstruct the object. Note the corrected example output below..
      x = CS('a') + CS('b') + CS('c') + CS('d') + CS('e')
      # Evaluates to [(None, CS('a') + CS('b')), (None, CS('c') + CS('e')), (None, CS('d'))]
      # Evaluates to "True".
      join(x.split(2)) == x
    2. Implement a static method join() for the AlgebraicStructure class that takes a single argument, a list of pairs of the form (a,e), and restores the original element that was split using split(). In other words, we should have for any element x that M.join(x.split(n, p)) is equivalent to x for any positive n.

      You may not assume that the list given as input to join() has its elements in the same order as the list returned by split().

      Your join() implementation should be as efficient as possible given the properties of a particular algebraic structure.

      • A split-up element of a commutative semigroup should be reassembled in linear time (in terms of the number of generators).
      • A split-up element of a magma should be reassembled in at most quadratic time (in terms of the number of generators). Is it possible to reassemble the element in time O(n log n)?

Isomorphism: Equivalence of Algebraic Structures

Definition: Let A be an algebraic structure with operator ⊕ and let B be an algebraic structure with operator ⊗. We say that A is isomorphic to B, which we denote as (A,⊕) ≅ (B,⊗) or simply AB, if the following conditions hold:

Reasoning about Algebraic Structures using Induction

Suppose an algebraic structure A with operator ⊕ has a finite generating set. Since the generating set is finite and there is only a single binary operator ⊕, we are able to construct very short proofs about properties that apply to all elements in A.

Definition: Let A be an algebraic structure with a generating set S = {g} and an operator ⊕. Then the following formula is the induction assumption or (weak) axiom of induction for A. The inductive hypothesis is in red.
  1. for all predicates P,
        1. P(g)
      1. and
        1. for all a A, for all b A,
          1. P(a) and P(b)
          2. implies
          3. P(ab)
    1. implies
      1. for all a A, P(a)

Example: Let N be an algebraic structure with the generating set {0,1} and the integer addition operator +. Then the following formula is the axiom of induction for N:
  1. for all predicates P,
        1. P(0) and P(1)
      1. and
        1. for all m N, for all n N,
          1. P(m) and P(n)
          2. implies
          3. P(m + n)
    1. implies
      1. for all n N, P(n)
Because + is commutative and associative over N, and because 1 = 0 + 1, we can simplify the above axiom to the more familiar axiom of induction over natural numbers:
  1. for all predicates P,
        1. P(0)
      1. and
        1. for all m N,
          1. P(m)
          2. implies
          3. P(m + 1)
    1. implies
      1. for all n N, P(n)

Fact (fundamental theorem of arithmetic): Consider a commutative semigroup A with generating set S = { p | p N, p is prime } and an operator ⊗ that is associative and commutative. Let N be the commutative semigroup of positive integers { n | n N, n ≥ 2 } with the integer multiplication operator. The semigroup A is isomorphic to N:
Equivalently, we can say that every natural number has a unique prime factorization (notice that the algebra A is actually the set of prime factorizations, with ⊗ corresponding to multiplication of prime factorizations).

Example: We have introduced the following definition of the totient function φ.
|{k | k {1,...,m}, gcd(k,m) = 1}|
We have also introduced the following properties of the totient function φ.
p - 1
if p is prime
pk - pk-1
if p is prime
φ(n) ⋅ φ(m)
if gcd(n,m) = 1
Is the set of three equations above equivalent to our one-line definition of φ? That is, if we know the factorization of any input n > 1 to φ, can we compute φ exactly using the three equations above?

The answer is "yes". Consider the algebraic structure consisting of the set {2,3,4,...} and the operation ⋅ (integer multiplication). Then the set of generators of A is the set of prime numbers. Thus, any element x A is a product of some collection of not necessarily distinct prime numbers p1 ⋅ ... ⋅ pk. If we write down n as this product, we can always break down our computation of φ(n) into smaller computations until we reach the base case.

Fact: For any two positive integers m N, n N where gcd(m,n) = 1, for any a N, there exist s and t such that
sm + tn

Fact: For any two positive integers m N, n N, suppose that g = gcd(m,n). For any a gZ, there exist s and t such that
sm + tn

Subgroups and the Direct Product of Groups

Definition: Let A be a group under the operator ⊕. We say that B is a subgroup of A if BA, A is closed under ⊕, and A is a group.

Fact: For n N, a {0,...,n-1}, and gcd(a,n) = 1, consider the generating set {a} with the operation of addition modulo n, denoted using +. Then closure({a}, +) = Z/nZ.

Fact: For n N, m N, and gcd(m,n) = 1, consider the generating set {m} with the operation of addition modulo nm, denoted using +. Then closure({m}, +) = {0 ⋅ m, 1 ⋅ m, 2 ⋅ m, ..., (n-1) ⋅ m}. Let ⊕ denote addition modulo n. It is then the case that (closure({m}, +), +) ≅ (Z/nZ, ⊕).

Fact: For any two positive integers m N, n N, let + represent the addition operator modulo mn. If gcd(m,n) = 1 then we have that:
closure({m,n}, +)

For an intuition for why this is true, consider the following, which is true by Bézout's identity:
{ am + bn | a Z, b Z }
Since any value in z Z has a corresponding formula z = am + bn, we could simply compute that formula modulo mn. We will get only results from the set {0,...,(mn) - 1}, and since such a formula exists for all z, then all values in {0,...,(mn) - 1} will be produced.

For a more formal proof, we can simply use Bézout's identity directly. Since there exist a, b Z such that 1 = am + bn, we have:
am + bn
1 mod (mn)
(am + bn) mod (mn)
1 mod (mn)
((a mod (mn)) mod ⋅ m + (b mod (mn)) ⋅ n) mod (mn)
(a mod (mn))
(b mod (mn))
Thus, 1 closure({m,n}, +). Thus:
closure({m,n}, +)

Fact: For n N, a {0,...,n-1}, and gcd(a,n) = 1, consider the generating set {a} with the operation of addition modulo n, denoted using +. Then closure({a}, +) = Z/nZ.

Fact: For n N, a {0,...,n-1}, and gcd(a,n) = g for some g ≥ 1, consider the generating set {a} with the operation of addition modulo n, denoted using +. Then closure({a}, +) = {0 ⋅ g, 1 ⋅ g, 2 ⋅ g, 3 ⋅ g, ..., (n-1)⋅g}.

Notice that closure({a}, +) is a subset of Z/nZ. Notice that it is also closed under +, and that it is a group. Thus, it is a subgroup of Z/nZ.

Fact: For n N, a {0,...,n-1}, suppose the operation of addition modulo n is denoted by +, and the operation of addition modulo n/gcd(n,a) is denoted by ⊕. Let A = closure({a}, +) and B = closure({a/gcd(a,n)}, ⊕). Then it is the case that (A,+) ≅ (B,⊕).

Definition: Let A be a group under the operator ⊕, and let B be a group under the operator ⊗. We define the direct product of groups A and B to be the set product A × B under the operator : A × B A × B defined by:
(a,b) (a', b')
(aa', bb')

Example: Suppose there is a large database of users in which the ages and heights of users are available as an integers. You want to compute the minimum age of the users and the maximum height as efficiently as possible.

The database API can take as input a binary operator ⊕ (implemented as a Python function) that is guaranteed to be associative. It can then apply the operator to the entire table (i.e., r1 ⊕ ... ⊕ rn for a database of n records) and return the result.

One approach to solve this problem is to first make an API call using the binary min (minimum of two integers) operator on the age fields, and then to make a separate API call using the binary max operator on the age height fields. Is there a more efficient approach?

Algebraic Structures and Cosets

Definition: Let A be a semigroup under the operator ⊕. We define the double coset of x A, which we denote using AxA, as:
{ axb | a A, b A }

Definition: Let A be a semigroup under the operator ⊕. We define the left coset of x A, which we denote using xA, as:
{ xa | a A }

Definition: Let A be a semigroup under the operator ⊕. We define the right coset of x A, which we denote using Ax, as:
{ ax | a A }

Example: Consider the set Z under the integer multiplication operator ⋅. Because ⋅ is commutative over Z, we can say that for any n Z:
{ axb | a A, b A }
{ x ⋅ (ab) | a A, b A }
{ xc | c A }
Thus, the cosets ZnZ, nZ, and Zn are equivalent.

Generalizations of CRT and Applications

We present some properties of closures. These properties will allow us to prove that certain subsets of a group's elements can be used to generate the whole group. This will help us gain a deeper understanding of the Chinese remainder theorem, and how it can be generalized.

Fact: Let S be a set, and let ⊕ be a binary operator. Then we have that:
closure(closure(S, ⊕), ⊕)
closure(S, ⊕)
In other words, closure(S, ⊕) already includes all the possible elements that could be built not only with elements in S, but also with those elements that are constructed using elements of S. The closure operation can be called idempotent.

The above fact can be proven by induction for all elements x closure(closure(S, ⊕), ⊕). For purposes of legibility, let B = closure(S, ⊕), so that we can say closure(B, ⊕) = closure(closure(S, ⊕), ⊕). Given some generating set S, consider the following formula:
x closure(S, ⊕)
The base cases are those x that are in B. Thus, we can state the axiom of induction for the algebra closure(B, ⊕):

  1. for all predicates P,
        1. for all x B, P(x)
      1. and
        1. for all a closure(B, ⊕), for all b closure(B, ⊕),
          1. P(a) and P(b)
          2. implies
          3. P(ab)
    1. implies
      1. for all x closure(B, ⊕), P(x)
The proof is then as follows. For the bases cases, B = closure(S, ⊕), so we have that:
x B implies x closure(S, ⊕)
Now, suppose that for some a closure(B, ⊕) and b closure(B, ⊕), we have that a closure(S, ⊕) and b closure(S, ⊕). Then by definition of the closure,
ab closure(S, ⊕)
This concludes the proof.

Fact: Let S be a set, and let ⊕ be a binary operator. Suppose that T ⊂ closure(S,⊕). Then we have that:
closure(T, ⊕)
closure(S, ⊕)
In other words, if all the elements in T are also elements in closure(S,⊕), then any element that can be constructed using elements in T is also in closure(S,⊕). As in the example above, this can be proven by induction.

Fact: Let S be a generating set, and let ⊕ be a binary operator. Consider some element x closure(S,⊕), and some T ⊂ closure(S,⊕). Suppose that x closure(T, ⊕). Then we have that: true that:
closure(T, ⊕)
closure({x}, ⊕)
closure(T, ⊕)
In other words, if elements in T together with ⊕ can be used to construct x, then all elements that can be constructed with x and ⊕ are also in closure(T, ⊕). As in the example above, this can be proven by induction.

Fact: Let S be a generating set, and let ⊕ be a binary operator. Consider some generator g S such that closure({g},⊕) = closure(S,⊕), and some TS. Suppose that g closure(T, ⊕). Then we have that: true that:
closure(T, ⊕)
closure({g}, ⊕)
closure(T, ⊕)
closure(T, ⊕)
closure(T, ⊕)
closure(T, ⊕)
Thus, if a single generator can generate all of closure(S,⊕), and it can be assembled using only elements in T, then the elements in T can be used to assemble all the elements of closure(S,⊕). As in the example above, this can be proven by induction.

n N, m N
gcd(n,m) = 1
k represents integer addition modulo k
all groups in this column are isomorphic
to each other
all groups in this column are isomorphic
to each other
Z/nZ Z/mZ
closure({1}, ⊕n)   =   {0,...,n-1} closure({1}, ⊕m)   =   {0,...,m-1}
by Bézout's identity, ∃ s N, t N s.t.
sn + tm
1 mod n
closure({m}, ⊕n)
closure({1}, ⊕n)
closure({m}, ⊕n)
closure({m}, ⊕n)
closure({1}, ⊕n)
closure({m}, ⊕n)
closure({1}, ⊕n)
closure({m}, ⊕n)
by Bézout's identity, ∃ s N, t N s.t.
sn + tm
1 mod m
closure({n}, ⊕m)
closure({1}, ⊕m)
closure({n}, ⊕m)
closure({n}, ⊕m)
closure({1}, ⊕m)
closure({n}, ⊕m)
closure({1}, ⊕m)
closure({n}, ⊕m)
notice that t is the inverse of m in Z/nZ,
and for a Z/nZ:
1 (mod n)
a ⋅ (tm)
a (mod n)
notice that s is the inverse of n in Z/mZ,
and for b Z/mZ:
1 (mod m)
b ⋅ (sn)
b (mod m)
notice that for a Z/nZ, b Z/mZ:
a ⋅ (tm)   ⊕   b ⋅ (sn)    
    a (mod n)
a ⋅ (tm)   ⊕   b ⋅ (sn)    
    b (mod m)
(at) ⋅ m   ⊕   (bs) ⋅ n    
    x (mod (nm))
notice that if n and m are fixed, so are t and s;
then, x changes only based on a Z/nZ and b Z/mZ; there are nm possible pairs (a,b);
are there nm distinct solutions, one for each pair?
closure({m}, ⊕n)   =   {0,...,n-1} closure({n}, ⊕m)   =   {0,...,m-1}
closure({m}, ⊕nm)
  =   {0 ⋅ m,   1 ⋅ m,   2 ⋅ m, ... ,  (n-1) ⋅ m}
closure({n}, ⊕nm)
  =   {0 ⋅ n,   1 ⋅ n,   2 ⋅ n, ... ,  (m-1) ⋅ n}
take the product of the above two groups;
all the following groups are isomorphic
Z/nZ   ×   Z/mZ
closure({m}, ⊕n)   ×   closure({n}, ⊕m)
closure({m}, ⊕mn)   ×   closure({n}, ⊕nm)
{0 ⋅ m,   1 ⋅ m,   2 ⋅ m, ... ,  (n-1) ⋅ m}   ×   {0 ⋅ n,   1 ⋅ n,   2 ⋅ n, ... ,  (m-1) ⋅ n}
{im | i {0,...,n-1}}   ×   {jn | j {0,...,m-1}}
{(im,   jn)  |  i {0,...,n-1}, j {0,...,m-1}}
{im ⊕   jn  |  i {0,...,n-1}, j {0,...,m-1}}
closure({m,n}, ⊕nm)
by Bézout's identity, ∃ s,t N s.t.
sn + tm
sn + tm
1 mod (nm)
closure({n,m}, ⊕nm)
closure({1}, ⊕nm)
closure({n,m}, ⊕nm)
closure({n,m}, ⊕nm)
closure({1}, ⊕nm)
closure({n,m}, ⊕nm)
closure({1}, ⊕nm)
closure({n,m}, ⊕nm)

For purposes of illustration, we instantiate the above table using n = 3 and m = 5.

3 N, 5 N
gcd(3,5) = 1
k represents integer addition modulo k
all groups in this column are isomorphic
to each other
all groups in this column are isomorphic
to each other
Z/3Z Z/5Z
closure({1}, ⊕3)   =   {0,1,2} closure({1}, ⊕5)   =   {0,1,2,3,4}
by Bézout's identity,
(-1) ⋅ 5 + 2 ⋅ 3
(-1) ⋅ 5
1 mod 3
2 ⋅ 5
1 mod 3
closure({5}, ⊕3)
closure({1}, ⊕3)
closure({5}, ⊕3)
closure({5}, ⊕3)
closure({1}, ⊕3)
closure({5}, ⊕3)
closure({1}, ⊕3)
closure({5}, ⊕3)
by Bézout's identity,
2 ⋅ 3 + (-1) ⋅ 5
2 ⋅ 3
1 mod 5
closure({3}, ⊕5)
closure({1}, ⊕5)
closure({3}, ⊕5)
closure({3}, ⊕5)
closure({1}, ⊕5)
closure({3}, ⊕5)
closure({1}, ⊕5)
closure({3}, ⊕5)
closure({5}, ⊕3)   =   {0,1,2} closure({3}, ⊕5)   =   {0,1,2,3,4}
closure({5}, ⊕15)   =   {0, 5, 10} closure({3}, ⊕15)   =   {0, 3, 6, 9, 12}
take the product of the above two groups;
all the following groups are isomorphic
Z/3Z   ×   Z/5Z
closure({5}, ⊕3)   ×   closure({3}, ⊕5)
closure({5}, ⊕15)   ×   closure({3}, ⊕15)
{0, 5, 10}   ×   {0, 3, 6, 9, 12}
{(0,0),  (0,3),  (0,6),  (0,9),  (0,12),  (5,0),  (5,3),  (5,6),  (5,9),  (5,12),  (10,0),  (10,3),  (10,6),  (10,9),  (10,12) }
{0 ⊕ 0,  0 ⊕ 3,  0 ⊕ 6,  0 ⊕ 9,  0 ⊕ 12,  5 ⊕ 0,  5 ⊕ 3,  5 ⊕ 6,  5 ⊕ 9,  5 ⊕ 12,  10 ⊕ 0,  10 ⊕ 3,  10 ⊕ 6,  10 ⊕ 9,  10 ⊕ 12 }
{0,  3,  6,  9,  12,  5,  8,  11,  14,  2,  10,  13,  1,  4,  7 }

Fact: Suppose that n N, g {0,...,n-1}, g|n, and ⊕k represents integer addition modulo k. Then we have that:

Fact: Suppose that n,m N are such that gcd(n,m) = 1. Then for any x Z/(nm)Z there exists only one unique pair (a,b) Z/nZ × Z/mZ such that:
bn + amx (mod Z/(nm)Z)

Fact: Suppose that n,m N are such that gcd(n,m) = g. Then we know that there exist s and t such that:
sn + tm
sn + tm
g (mod Z/(nm)Z)
closure({m,n}, ⊕nm)
closure({g}, ⊕nm)
{ig | i {0 ,..., ((nm) / g)-1}}

Fact: Suppose that a,n N are such that gcd(a,n) = 1. Then we know that there exists a unique solution x Z/nZ to the equation:
b (mod n)
We can compute this solution because a -1 Z/nZ exists:
b (mod n)
a -1 ⋅ (ax)
(a -1b) (mod n)
(a -1b) (mod n)

Fact (linear congruence theorem): Suppose that a,n N are such that gcd(a,n) = g. Then, if g | b, there exists a unique solution x Z/(n/g)Z to the equation:
b (mod n)
We can compute this solution by first dividing b and a by g, and then computing (a/g) -1 Z/(n/g)Z because gcd(a/g,n/g) = 1:
b (mod n)
ax - nk
(ax - nk)/g
(a/g) ⋅ x - (n/g) ⋅ k
(a/g) ⋅ x
b/g (mod (n/g))
(a/g) -1 ⋅ ((a/g) ⋅ x)
(a -1 ⋅ (b/g)) (mod (n/g))
((a/g) -1 ⋅ (b/g)) (mod (n/g))
Note that we are using the fact that closure({1},⊕n/g) ≅ closure({g},⊕n).

Fact (generalized Chinese remainder theorem): Suppose that a,n,b,m N are such that gcd(n,m) = g, g | b, g | a, and we have the following system of equations:
a (mod n)
b (mod m)
We can rewrite the above system using the fact that closure({1},⊕n/g) ≅ closure({g},⊕n), closure({1},⊕m/g) ≅ closure({g},⊕m), and gcd(m/g, n/g) = 1. Then there exists a unique solution x' Z/((nm)/(g2))Z to the system of equations:
(a/g) (mod (n/g))
(b/g) (mod (m/g))
The above system of equations can now be solved using the Chinese remainder theorem formula for the case in which the moduli are coprime. The unique solution x Z/(mn/g)Z can then be reconstructed using x = gx'.

Fact (fully generalized Chinese remainder theorem): This fact is not part of the required course material, but is included for those who may be interested.

Suppose that a,n,b,m N are such that gcd(n,m) = g, and d = b mod g = a mod g, and we have the following system of equations:
a (mod n)
b (mod m)
Suppose we subtract d from both equations to obtain a new system of equations:
(a-d) (mod n)
(b-d) (mod m)
The above system can now be solved using the previous fact, since g | a-d and g | b-d. We can then recover a solution x to the original system by adding d to it:
d + x'

Example: Suppose we make the following simplifications: for every t years, Suppose that on June 21st, 2000, the Earth, Ceres, and Jupiter all align (i.e., one can draw a straight line through all three). Next, suppose that it is June 21st of some year between 2000 and 2055. At this time, there is no alignment. However, Jupiter aligned with earth on June 21st two years ago, and Ceres aligned with Earth on June 21st three year ago. What year is it?

Example: Find at least one solution x Z/15Z to the following equation:
5 x2 + 3 x - 2
0 (mod 15)

We now generalize the above tables for CRT to include the case in which gcd(n,m) > 1.

n N, m N
gcd(n,m) = g
k represents integer addition modulo k
all groups in this column are isomorphic
to each other
all groups in this column are isomorphic
to each other
Z/(n/g)Z Z/(m/g)Z
closure({g}, ⊕n)   =   {0 ⋅ g,  ...,   ((n/g)-1) ⋅ g} closure({g}, ⊕m)   =   {0 ⋅ g,  ...,   ((m/g)-1) ⋅ g}
by Bézout's identity, ∃ s N, t N s.t.
sn + tm
g mod n
closure({m}, ⊕n)
closure({g}, ⊕n)
closure({m}, ⊕n)
closure({m}, ⊕n)
closure({g}, ⊕n)
closure({m}, ⊕n)
closure({g}, ⊕n)
closure({1}, ⊕n/g)
by Bézout's identity, ∃ s N, t N s.t.
sn + tm
g mod m
closure({n}, ⊕m)
closure({g}, ⊕m)
closure({n}, ⊕m)
closure({n}, ⊕m)
closure({g}, ⊕m)
closure({n}, ⊕m)
closure({g}, ⊕m)
closure({1}, ⊕m/g)
notice that t and m generate g in Z/nZ,
and for a Z/(n/g)Z:
g (mod n)
a ⋅ (tm)
(ag) (mod n)
notice that s and n generaete g in Z/mZ,
and for b Z/(m/g)Z:
g (mod m)
b ⋅ (sn)
(bg) (mod m)
notice that for a Z/(n/g)Z, b Z/(m/g)Z:
a ⋅ (tm)   ⊕   b ⋅ (sn)    
    (ag) (mod n)
a ⋅ (tm)   ⊕   b ⋅ (sn)    
    (bg) (mod m)
(at) ⋅ m   ⊕   (bs) ⋅ n    
    (x' ⋅ g) (mod (nm))
(at) ⋅ m   ⊕   (bs) ⋅ n    
    x (mod (nm))
notice that if n and m are fixed, so are t and s;
then, x = x' ⋅ g changes only based on a Z/(n/g)Z and b Z/(m/g)Z;
there are (n/g) ⋅ (m/g) possible pairs (a,b);
are there (n/g) ⋅ (m/g) distinct solutions, one for each pair?
closure({m}, ⊕n)   =   {0 ⋅ g,  ...,   ((n/g)-1) ⋅ g} closure({n}, ⊕m)   =   {0 ⋅ g,  ...,   ((m/g)-1) ⋅ g}
take the product of the above two groups;
all the following groups are isomorphic
Z/(n/g)Z   ×   Z/(m/g)Z
closure({m/g}, ⊕n/g)   ×   closure({n/g}, ⊕m/g)
closure({m/g}, ⊕nm/g2)   ×   closure({n/g}, ⊕nm/g2)
{im/g | i {0,...,n/g-1}}   ×   {jn/g | j {0,...,m/g-1}}
{(im/g,   jn/g)  |  i {0,...,n/g-1}, j {0,...,m/g-1}}
{im/g ⊕   jn/g  |  i {0,...,n/g-1}, j {0,...,m/g-1}}
closure({m/g,n/g}, ⊕nm/g2)
by Bézout's identity, ∃ s,t N s.t.
sn + tm
sn/g + tm/g
sn/g + tm/g
1 mod ({nm/g2)
closure({n,m}, ⊕nm)
closure({n/g,m/g}, ⊕nm/g2)
closure({1}, ⊕nm/g2)
closure({n/g,m/g}, ⊕nm/g2)
closure({n/g,m/g}, ⊕nm/g2)
closure({1}, ⊕nm/g2)
closure({n/g,m/g}, ⊕nm/g2)
closure({1}, ⊕nm/g2)
closure({n/g,m/g}, ⊕nm/g2)

Given the above, one might observe that, in fact, there are more multiple of g in Z/(n ⋅ m)Z than there are in Z/(nm/g2)Z. In fact, there are g times as many multiples of g in Z/(n ⋅ m)Z. Thus, each unique pair in Z/(n/g)Z × Z/(m/g)Z determines not one element in Z/((nm)/g)Z, but g different elements. So if it is not Z/(nm/g2)Z, then which product group is isomorphic to the set Z/((nm)/g)Z, the set of multiples of g modulo mn?

Fact: For n,m N and g = gcd(n,m), it is the case that:
Z/(n/g)Z × Z/(m/g)Z × Z/gZ

For purposes of illustration, we instantiate the above table for g > 1 using n = 4, m = 6, and g = 2.

4 N, 6 N
gcd(4,6) = 2
k represents integer addition modulo k
all groups in this column are isomorphic
to each other
all groups in this column are isomorphic
to each other
Z/4Z Z/6Z
closure({2}, ⊕4)   =   {0,2} closure({2}, ⊕6)   =   {0,2,4}
by Bézout's identity,
(1) ⋅ 6 + (-1) ⋅ 4
(1) ⋅ 6
2 mod 4
closure({6}, ⊕4)
closure({2}, ⊕4)
closure({6}, ⊕4)
closure({6}, ⊕4)
closure({2}, ⊕4)
closure({6}, ⊕4)
closure({2}, ⊕4)
closure({2}, ⊕4)
by Bézout's identity,
(-1) ⋅ 4 + (1) ⋅ 6
(-1) ⋅ 4
2 mod 6
(5) ⋅ 4
2 mod 6
closure({4}, ⊕6)
closure({2}, ⊕6)
closure({4}, ⊕6)
closure({4}, ⊕6)
closure({2}, ⊕6)
closure({4}, ⊕6)
closure({2}, ⊕6)
closure({2}, ⊕6)
closure({6}, ⊕4)   =   {0,2} closure({4}, ⊕6)   =   {0,2,4}
closure({6}, ⊕4)   ≅   {0,1} closure({4}, ⊕6)   ≅   {0,1,2}
closure({6}, ⊕4)   ≅   Z/2Z closure({4}, ⊕6)   ≅   Z/3Z
take the product of the above two groups;
all the following groups are isomorphic
closure({6}, ⊕4)   ×   closure({4}, ⊕6)
{0, 2}   ×   {0, 2, 4}
{0, 1}   ×   {0, 1, 2}
Z/2Z   ×   Z/3Z
Z/((4 ⋅ 6)/22)Z
closure({2}, ⊕(46)/2)

Example: Suppose you need to build a wall 60 units long that consists of two layers of bricks (one layer on top of the other). You are allowed to order bricks of two different lengths a N and b N in any quantity. Determine one possible a and b combination that will allow you to build a wall 60 units long such that no seam between two bricks in the bottom layer coincides with a seam between two bricks in the top layer.

Example (arithmetic with bounded errors): Suppose you need to perform a sequence of k addition operations in Z/256Z, but the addition operator ⊕ modulo 256 that you must use is error-prone. If + represents correct addition over Z/256Z, then it is only guaranteed that:
(((a + b) mod 256) - ((ab))) mod 256
Use group isomorphisms to construct an addition algorithm that uses ⊕, but is not error-prone.

Example (arithmetic with unbounded error and bounded unreliability): Suppose you need to perform a sequence of k addition operations in Z/15Z, but all the addition operators ⊕ modulo n available to you are error-prone. To add two numbers a, b modulo n accurately, you must perform the computation ab at least ⌈ log2 n ⌉ times (because up to ⌈ log2 n ⌉/2 - 1 of those attempts will result in an arbitrarily large error).

This means that to perform k addition operations modulo 15, it will be necessary to perform every operation ⌈ log2 15 ⌉ = 4 times, for a total of k ⋅ 4 operations modulo 15. If each addition operation modulo n takes O((log2 n)2) steps, this would mean that k operations would take:
4 ⋅ 42k steps
Assuming that performing CRT to find a solution in Z/15Z takes 10,000 steps, determine how you can use CRT to speed up the computation of these k addition operations.

Example: Consider the following algebraic structure: S is the set of all equations of the form cxa mod n for c,a,n N, and ⊕ is just a concatenation operator that collects equations into systems of equations. That is, given two systems of equations s1, s2 closure(S, ⊕) where s1 has n equations and s2 has m equations, s1s2 is a system of n + m equations. Prove by induction that for every system of equations s closure(S, ⊕), it is possible to either reduce the system to a single equation of the form xa mod n for some a and n, or there is no solution to that system s.

Assignment #6: Generalizing CRT

For this assignment, you will submit a single Python source file

Your file may not import any modules or employ any external library functions associated with integers and sets (unless the problem statement explicitly permits this). You will be graded on the correctness, concision, and mathematical legibility of your code. The different problems and problem parts rely on each other; carefully consider whether you can use functions you define in one part within subsequent parts. You may reuse functions that you defined on previous assignments.

  1. Implement a function solve() that takes three integer arguments x, y, and z. The function should return a tuple containing two integers, (a,b), such that the following always holds:
    (a,b) = solve(x,y,z)
    (x * a + y * b) % (x*y) == z % (x*y) # True.
    a in range(0,y)                      # True.
    b in range(0,x)                      # True.
    If no such pair (a,b) exists, your method should return None.
  2. Include the following class declaration in your file. An Eqn() object represents an equation of the form cxa (mod n), where x is a variable.
    class Eqn():
        c = 1
        a = 0
        n = 1
        solvable = True
        def __init__(self,c,a,n):
            self.c = c
            self.a = a
            self.n = n
        def __repr__(self):
            return str(self)
        def __str__(self):
            if not self.solvable:
                return "unsolvable"
                return str(self.c) + "x = " + str(self.a) + " mod " + str(self.n)
        def unsolvable(self):
            self.solvable = False
            self.c = None
            self.a = None
            self.n = None
        def simplify(self):
            # Implement for #2, part (a).
        def __add__(e1, e2):
            # Modify this method for #2, part (b).
            # This method should behave like CRT2(),
            # but it should be able to handle all possible
            # cases.
            # This function should return another Eqn() 
            # object that represents the solution (or
            # lack thereof) to the two equations e1 and e2.
            return None

    1. Implement a member method simplify() that converts an Eqn() object into an equivalent one in which c = 1, if possible (as determined by this fact). If this is not possible, the method should set the object's self.solvable field to False (use the member method unsolvable()). Some test cases are provided below.
      >>> x = Eqn(6,4,8)
      >>> x
      6x = 4 mod 8
      >>> x.simplify()
      >>> x
      1x = 2 mod 4
      >>> Eqn(1,2,7)
      1x = 2 mod 7
      >>> Eqn(3,4,5)
      3x = 4 mod 5
      >>> x = Eqn(5,5,100)
      >>> x.simplify()
      >>> x
      1x = 1 mod 20
      >>> x = Eqn(7,1,7)
      >>> x.simplify()
      >>> x
      >>> x = Eqn(7,0,7)
      >>> x.simplify()
      >>> x
      1x = 0 mod 1
      >>> x = Eqn(15,5,25)
      >>> x.simplify()
      >>> x
      1x = 2 mod 5
      >>> x = Eqn(3,5,6)
      >>> x.simplify()
      >>> x
    2. Implement a member method __add__(e1, e2). This method should take two Eqn() objects as arguments. It should return a new Eqn() object that represents a solution to the two equations, if one exists (otherwise, the returned object should have its self.solvable field set to False). That is, the input represents the following system of equations:
      a1 (mod n1)
      a2 (mod n2)
      The method should return the unique solution if it exists in the form of an equation object where c = 1, and where a and n are chosen appropriately:
      1 ⋅ x
      a (mod n)
      If no solution exists, the returned Eqn() object should have its unsolvable field set to True. Your method should be similar to CRT2(), but it must handle all possible inputs correctly (i.e., the n values of the two equations are not necessarily coprime, and c may be any integer). Solutions that use an exhaustive search will receive no credit. Some test cases are provided below.
      >>> Eqn(1,3,15) + Eqn(1,6,21)
      1x = 48 mod 105
      >>> Eqn(1,3,15) + Eqn(1,6,21) + Eqn(2,12,18)
      1x = 258 mod 315
      >>> Eqn(1,2,15) + Eqn(1,4,21)
      >>> Eqn(1,7,8) + Eqn(1,0,1)
      1x = 7 mod 8
  3. Consider the algebraic structure consisting of all possible equations of the form Eqn(c,a,n) where c, a, and n are integers. The operator for this algebraic structure is the + operator (defined by __add__()). Determine all the algebraic properties of this algebraic structure, and determine which algebraic structure it is. If an identity and/or inverses exist, you must describe which elements they are or how to find them.
  4. Define a Python function GCRTN() (not a member method of Eqn()) that takes one input, which is a list of one or more Eqn() objects. This list represents a system of equations of the following form:
    a1 (mod n1)
    ak (mod nk)
    The method should return the unique solution in the form of a single Eqn() object where c = 1, and where a and n are chosen appropriately:
    1 ⋅ x
    a (mod n)
    If there is no solution, the return Eqn() object should indicate this. You may not violate the encapsulation of the Eqn() objects. You may only use member methods to create, modify, or combine Eqn() objects.

Review #2

This section contains a comprehensive collection of review problems going over all the course material. These problems are an accurate representation of the kinds of problems you may see on an exam.

Problem: Suppose that n N. Compute the following:
534 ⋅ n + 1 mod 11

We can compute the exponent 34 ⋅ n + 1 modulo φ(11) by Euler's theorem, because gcd(5,11) = 1. Likewise, we can compute the exponent within the exponent, 4 ⋅ n + 1, modulo φ(φ(11)) because gcd(3,φ(11)) = 1. Thus, we have:
11 - 1
φ(5) ⋅ φ(2)
(5-1) ⋅ (2-1)
534 ⋅ n + 1 mod 11
534 ⋅ n + 1 mod φ(φ(11)) mod φ(11) mod 11
534 ⋅ n + 1 mod 4 mod 10 mod 11
531 mod 10 mod 11
53 mod 11
(25 ⋅ 5) mod 11
(3 ⋅ 5) mod 11
15 mod 11
4 mod 11

Problem: Find all x Z/29Z that satisfy the following:
16 (mod 29)
y (mod 29)

We first solve for all possible y. Since 29 > 16, we have that ± 4 are the square roots of 16 in Z/29Z. Thus, we have two solutions for y:
{4, 29-4}
{4, 25}
We want to find all x that satisfy the system, so we need to solve for x for each possible y. Thus, we have:
4 (mod 29)
4 (mod 29)
± 2 (mod 29)
{2, 29-2}
{2, 27}
We also have:
25 (mod 29)
25 (mod 29)
± 5 (mod 29)
{5, 29-5}
{5, 24}
Thus, the possible solutions for x are:
{2, 5, 24, 27}
Notice also that the problem could have been stated as:
16 (mod 29)

Problem: Determine which properties the following algebraic structures satisfy:
  1. generating set {∅, {1}, {2}, {3}} with the union operation ∪
    The closure is the set of subsets of {1,2,3}:
    {∅, {1}, {2}, {3}, {1,2}, {2,3}, {1,3}, {1,2,3}}
    The union operation is associative and commutative. There is an identity ∅. There are no inverses.
  2. for a,n N, a > 1, n > 1, and gcd(a,n) = 1, generating set {a} with integer addition modulo n
    The closure is the entire set {0,...,n-1} because:
    {a, a+a, a+a+a, ..., a+...+a}
    {(ia) mod n | i {1,...,n}}
    Integer addition modulo n is associative and commutative, has identity 0, and for every x Z/nZ, the inverse is n-x Z/nZ.

Problem: Consider the following algebraic structure A: the generating set is {a, b, c}, the operator ⊕ is associative and commutative, has an identity c, and there are inverses where a -1 = b and c -1 = c. Find all double cosets of A, and describe what elements of A are inside them.

We first determine what are the elements of the set A. Since ab = c and ⊕ is associative and commutative, in any expression that contains both some number of a generators and b generators, either all of the a generators will cancel (if there are more b generators), or all of the b generators will cancel (if there are more a generators). If the number of a and b generators is the same, then the result will be c.
(ab) ⊕ bb
Thus, the distinct elements in A are all sequences of only a, all sequences of only b, and c:
{c, a, b, aa, bb, aaa, bbb, ... }
Now, let us consider the coset for each possible element in x A:
{uxv | u A, v A }
If x = c, then AxA = A. If x = a, then bav AxA, and since v ranges over all elements in A, AaA. This is true for any sequence a, aa, aaa, and so on. The same argument applies to b, bb, bbb, and so on. Thus:
Thus, there is only one distinct coset of A, and it is A.

Problem: Prove the following formula is true for all n N using induction over N:
n < 25 or 5n > n10
Solving this problem requires at least some familiarity with the coefficients of a binomial expansion of the form (k+1)10. You are not responsible for this portion of the solution. However, you should understand how the axiom of induction for N is applied to this problem.

To prove that for all n N, P(n) is true, we need to apply the axiom of induction for N. Thus, we must show that P(0) and that for all k N, P(k) implies P(k+1).

We know that P(0) is true because 0 < 25; in fact, we know that P(1),...,P(24) are true for that reason, and treat them as base cases. Thus, we have the n = 25 base case left to check:
Next, we assume our induction hypothesis: suppose P(k) is true. We can also assume that k > 25, since we checked all cases where k ≤ 25. Then we have that:
4 ⋅ 5k
4 ⋅ k10
4 ⋅ (25 ⋅ k9)
100 ⋅ k9
We now add 5k to the left-hand side of the above, and we add k10 to the right-hand side.
5k + (4 ⋅ 5k)
k10 + (100 ⋅ k9)
k10 + 100 ⋅ k9
Notice that because k > 25:
10 ⋅ k9
10 ⋅ 25 ⋅ k8
10 ⋅ k9
10 ⋅ 252k7
10 ⋅ k9
10 ⋅ 253k6
10 ⋅ k9
10 ⋅ 254k5
10 ⋅ k9
10 ⋅ 255k4
10 ⋅ k9
10 ⋅ 256k3
10 ⋅ k9
10 ⋅ 257k2
10 ⋅ k9
10 ⋅ 258k1
10 ⋅ k9
The above shows that k10 + 10 ⋅ k9 + 90 ⋅ k9 greatly exceeds the expansion of (k+1)10. We also know that the first term of the expansion of (k+1)10, k10, has coefficient 1. Thus, we derive our result:
k10 + 10 ⋅ k9 + 90 ⋅ k9
(k + 1)10

Problem: Prove the following formula is true for all n N using induction over N:
n < 5 or 2n > n2

To prove that for all n N, P(n) is true, we need to apply the axiom of induction for N. Thus, we must show that P(0) and that for all k N, P(k) implies P(k+1).

We know that P(0) is true because 0 < 5; in fact, we know that P(1),...,P(4) are true for that reason, and treat them as base cases. Thus, we have the n = 5 base case left to check:
Next, we assume our induction hypothesis: suppose P(k) is true. We can also assume that k > 5, since we checked all cases where k ≤ 5. Then, since k > 5, we have that k2 > 2 ⋅ k + 1, so:
2 ⋅ (2k)
2 ⋅ k2
k2 + k2
k2 + 2 ⋅ k + 1
(k + 1)2
(k + 1)2

Problem: Suppose we make the following simplifications: Suppose that on June 21st, 2000, the Earth, Ceres, and Jupiter all align (i.e., one can draw a straight line through all three).
  1. Which two of these objects will align again on June 21st, and in which year?
    The next time Earth and Ceres align will be in five years, in 2005, as x = 5 is the smallest non-zero solution in N to the following system (the first equation represents alignment with Earth; the second equation represents alignment with Ceres):
    0 mod 1
    0 mod 5
  2. How many years will pass before all three align again? The smallest non-zero solution in N to the following system is x = 55, so they will all align again in 2055:
    0 mod 1
    0 mod 5
    0 mod 11
  3. Suppose that it is June 21st of some year between 2000 and 2055. At this time, there is no alignment. However, Jupiter aligned with earth on June 21st four years ago, and Ceres aligned with Earth on June 21st one year ago. What year is it?
    The following system of equations captures the situation. Since the solution must be in Z/55Z, we can find a unique solution using the Chinese remainder theorem. By inspection of the elements of 4 + 11Z = {4, 15, 26, ...}, the solution is x = 26.
    0 mod 1
    1 mod 5
    4 mod 11

  1. Suppose there exist two devices, where one produces 2 units of power and another consumes 7 units of power:
    • device A: +2 units
    • device B: -7 units
    Suppose we want to produce exactly 5 units of power using a combination of some number of A devices and B devices. How many of each device would be required?
    This problem can be modelled using the following equation, where a represents the number of A devices and b represents the number of B devices:
    a ⋅ 2 + b ⋅ (-7)
    Since 2 and 7 are coprime, we know that by Bézout's identity, there exist s and t in N such that:
    s ⋅ 2 + t ⋅ (-7)
    4 ⋅ 2 + 1 ⋅ (-7)
    We can then multiply both sides of the above equation and use algebra to obtain a and b:
    4 ⋅ 2 + 1 ⋅ (-7)
    5 ⋅ (4 ⋅ 2 + 1 ⋅ (-7))
    (5 ⋅ 4) ⋅ 2 + (5 ⋅ 1) ⋅ (-7)
    20 ⋅ 2 + 5 ⋅ (-7)
  2. Suppose there exist two devices, where one produces 2 units of power and another produces 7 units of power:
    • device A: +2 units
    • device B: +7 units
    Suppose we want to produce exactly 5 mod 10 units of power using a combination of some number of A devices and B devices. How many of each device would be required?
    This problem can be modelled using the following equation, where a represents the number of A devices and b represents the number of B devices:
    a ⋅ 2 + b ⋅ 7
    5 mod 10
    Since 2 and 7 are coprime, we know that by Bézout's identity, there exist s and t in N such that:
    s ⋅ 2 + t ⋅ 7
    4 ⋅ 2 + (-1) ⋅ 7
    4 ⋅ 2 + (-1) ⋅ 7
    1 mod 10
    (10 - 1) mod 10
    9 mod 10
    4 ⋅ 2 + 9 ⋅ 7
    1 mod 10
    20 ⋅ 2 + 45 ⋅ 7
    5 mod 10

  1. Consider the following two circular shift permutations:
    • [8,9,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
    • [5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2,3,4]
    How many of each would you need to compose to obtain the permutation [9,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]?
    This permutations specified are in C_{10}, and we know that C_{10} ≅ Z/10Z. Notice that [8,9,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7] C_{10} corresponds to 2 Z/10Z, that [5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2,3,4] C_{10} corresponds to 5 Z/10Z, and that [9,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] C_{10} corresponds to 1 Z/10Z. By Bézout's identity we have that:
    3 ⋅ 2 + (-1) ⋅ 5
    3 ⋅ 2 + 9 ⋅ 5
    1 (mod 10)
    Thus, we would need to compose three instances of the first permutation and 9 instances of the second permutation to obtain [9,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8].
  2. Rewrite the permutation [3,4,0,1,2] as a composition of adjacent swap permutations.
    We can simply run the bubble sort algorithm on the above permutation and record the permutation that represents each swap. This leads to the following sequence:
    Thus, by applying the above sequence of permutations to [0,1,2,3,4] in reverse order, we can obtain [3,4,0,1,2], so the above represents the factorization of [3,4,0,1,2] into adjacent swap permutations.


Suppose we want to perform k exponentiation operations (e.g., if k = 4, we want to compute (((ab)c)d)e) modulo 21. Assume the following:

  1. Derive a formula, in terms of k, for each of the following:
    1. the number of steps needed to perform k exponentiations modulo 21;
      f(k) = 9261 ⋅ k
    2. the number of steps needed to perform k exponentiations modulo 3 and k exponentiations modulo 7, then to recombine using CRT.
      f(k) = 370 ⋅ k + 8000
  2. Prove by induction over N that the following predicate is true for all n N:
    n = 0 or performing n exponentiations modulo 21 is less efficient than using CRT
    We first redefine P(n) using our formulas:
    n = 0 or 9261 ⋅ k > 370 ⋅ k + 8000
    For the base cases, we know that P(0) is true because of the left-hand side of the or operator. We know that P(1) is true because 9261 > 370 + 8000. Suppose that the inductive hypothesis for k is true. Then we have that P(k), which means that:
    9261 ⋅ k
    370 ⋅ k + 8000
    9261 + (9261 ⋅ k)
    370 + (370 ⋅ k + 8000)
    9261 ⋅ (k + 1)
    370 ⋅ (k + 1)
    Notice that the last line is exactly P(k+1). Thus, we have shown that P(0), P(1), and P(k) implies P(k+1) are all true. We can then conclude that for all n N, P(n) is true by the axiom of induction.

Problem: Find solutions to the following problems.
  1. Argue that the following polynomial has no integer solutions (Hint: you only need to evaluate the polynomial for two possible values of x):
    x4 + x2 + 3
    If the above equation has an integer solution x, then it must have an integer solution modulo %2, since we can take the modulus of both sides:
    x4 + x2 + 3
    (x4 + x2 + 3) mod 2
    0 mod 2
    x4 + x2 + 3
    0 (mod 2)
    Thus, we have using logic that:
    (exists solution in Z) implies (exists solution modulo 2)
    (no solution modulo 2) implies (no solution in Z)
    Note that this only works in one direction. A solution modulo 2 does not necessarily imply that there is an integer solution. We see that for x = 0 and x = 1, the left-hand side is odd. The right-hand side is 0, so it is always even. Thus, no integer solution exists.
  2. Find at least one solution x Z/10Z to the following system of equations (you must use Bézout's identity):
    6 ⋅ y + 5 ⋅ x - 1
    0 (mod 10)
    y (mod 10)
    Since 5 and 6 are coprime, we can find a solution to the first equations. One such solution is:
    1 (mod 10)
    -1 (mod 10)
    9 (mod 10)
    We also have that 92 ≡ 81 ≡ 1 (mod 10). Thus, since 12 ≡ 1 (mod 10), both equations are satisfied by this solution.

  1. Suppose you want to send some s Z/nZ to Alice and Bob, but you want to ensure that the only way Alice and Bob can retrieve s is if they work together. What two distinct pairs (s1, p1) and (s2, p2) would you send to Alice and Bob, respectively, so that they would need to work together to recover s?
    You would need to send (s mod p, p) to Alice and (s mod q, q) to Bob where s < pq and p and q are distinct and coprime.
  2. Suppose Bob is generating a public RSA key; he chooses a very large prime p, and then he chooses q = 2. Why is this not secure?
    Bob must share his public key (n, e). Since n = p ⋅ 2, n is even. This can immediately be seen by looking at the last bit of n (which will be 0, since n mod 2 = 0). It is then easy to recover the secret value p.
  3. Suppose Alice and Bob use Shamir secret sharing to share a password s to a lock that is not protected from brute force attacks (i.e., anyone can keep trying different passwords until they unlock it). Alice holds s mod p and Bob holds s mod q, where s < pq. However, suppose that Bob happens to be using q = 2, and Alice knows this. What can Alice do to quickly break the lock?
    If Alice holds a and Bob holds b, the system of equations that would be set up to recover s is as follows:
    a (mod p)
    b (mod 2)
    Notice that there are only two possibilities for Bob's value b Z/2Z. Thus, Alice could set up two systems, one for b = 0 and another for b = 1, solve both, and try both secrets s on the lock.

Problem: Suppose that Alice, Bob, Carl, and Dan are sharing a secret s using Shamir secret sharing, where each participant is assigned a distinct modulus n that is coprime to everyone else's modulus. Each participant is holding a part of the secret s mod n, and the secret can be recovered by any two participants. However, Eve has sabotaged the value stored by one one the participants. Below are the values currently stored by everyone; one of them is corrupted.

  1. Which participant's stored value s mod n has Eve sabotaged?
    Any two participants can recover the secret s by setting up a system with two equations and solving the system using CRT. We list all of the possible combinations and solve for s to find which participant's value has been corrupted.
    • Alice and Bob:
      2 (mod 3)
      3 (mod 4)
      11 (mod 12)
    • Alice and Carl:
      2 (mod 3)
      2 (mod 5)
      2 (mod 15)
    • Alice and Dan:
      2 (mod 3)
      4 (mod 7)
      11 (mod 21)
    • Bob and Carl:
      3 (mod 4)
      2 (mod 5)
      7 (mod 20)
    • Bob and Dan:
      3 (mod 4)
      4 (mod 7)
      11 (mod 28)
    • Carl and Dan:
      2 (mod 5)
      4 (mod 7)
      32 (mod 35)
    Since three of the participants can consistently recover the same secret s = 11, and all pairs of participants in which Carl is present do not yield s = 11 and are inconsistent with one another, it must be Carl's data that has been sabotaged.
  2. What is the correct secret value s?
    Since three of the six possible pairings result in s = 11, and the other three are inconsistent and all involve Carl, it must be that s = 11 was the original uncorrupted secret.
  3. What's the number of different shared secret values these four participants can store (assuming they use the same moduli, and require that any two members should be able to recover the secret).
    Since any two participants must be able to recover s, it must be that s < nm for every possible pair n and m. The smallest two values are 3 and 4, so 3 ⋅ 4 - 1 = 11, where 11 Z/(3 ⋅ 4)Z, is the largest possible s that can be receovered.
  4. Suppose you want to store an n-bit number s. You want to store it in a way that makes it possible to recover s even if one of the bits is corrupted. How can you accomplish this using at most approximately 2 ⋅ n bits?
    Choose four distinct coprime numbers m1, m2, m3, and m4 such that s is less than the product of every pair of these, but such that the product of any pair is not much larger than s (e.g., m1 and m2 can be stored in the same number of bits as s). Then store (s mod m1, s mod m2, s mod m3, s mod m4) using about 2 ⋅ n bits. If any individual bit is corrupted, this corrupts at most one of the four values stored. As with Alice, Bob, and Dan, the original value can still be recovered.

The following is a breakdown of what you should be able to do at the end of the course (and of what you may be tested on in the final exam). Notice that many of the tasks below can be composed. This also means that many problems can be solved in more than one way.

Bonus Assignment

For this assignment, you will submit a single Python source file

Your file may not import any modules or employ any external library functions associated with integers and sets (unless the problem statement explicitly permits this). You will be graded on the correctness, concision, and mathematical legibility of your code. The different problems and problem parts rely on each other; carefully consider whether you can use functions you define in one part within subsequent parts. You may reuse functions that you defined on previous assignments.

Suppose that you are given a black box quantum() that can compute the following Python function on any three inputs f, g, and n in the same amount of time that it takes to run f(n) and g(n):

def quantum(f, g, n):
    for i in range(0,n):
        if f(i) != g(i):
            return False
    return True
In other words, if f(n) and g(n) both run in polynomial time, then quantum(f,g,n) also runs in polynomial time (the above inefficient implementation is just for purposes of illustration and testing).

  1. Implement an efficient, polynomial-time algorithm factor() that takes a single positive integer input n and returns a non-trivial factor x of n (i.e., 1 < x < n) if it exists. Your implementation must invoke quantum() (it may invoke it multiple times, but no more than polynomially many times). That is, factor() must be a polynomial-time reduction from the factoring problem to quantum(). Hint: to better understand how quantum() might be able to help, try writing a function that can efficiently check if its input is a Carmichael number by using quantum().
  2. Modify your solution to part (a) so that it returns all the factors of the input n. Explain in detail why your algorithm still runs in polynomial time.
  3. Modify your solution from part (a) or part (b) so that it works with the following (slightly more realistic) version of quantum() (pseudocode provided; implement an inefficient test version of quantum() for more points):
    def quantum(f, g, n):
        if [f(i) for i in range(0,n)] is a permutation of [g(i) for i in range(0,n)]:
            return True
        return False
  4. Implement an efficient solver for the discrete logarithm problem using quantum().